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Скачать с ютуб 凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-48-4 澎湖英語教甄試教單元4!學會這套英語試教SOP,教師甄試定獲聘!111年澎湖教甄英語科榜首無私分享! в хорошем качестве

凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-48-4 澎湖英語教甄試教單元4!學會這套英語試教SOP,教師甄試定獲聘!111年澎湖教甄英語科榜首無私分享! 2 года назад

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凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-48-4 澎湖英語教甄試教單元4!學會這套英語試教SOP,教師甄試定獲聘!111年澎湖教甄英語科榜首無私分享!

說明:繼二年前(2020年)在蘭嶼考上普通科代理老師(參考《學會這套試教SOP,教師甄試定獲聘| 凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-34》,   • 學會這套試教SOP,教師甄試定獲聘| 凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-34  )後,我在7月11日又順利考上澎湖教甄、而且是榜首!可是,自六月三十日起閉關準備111年澎湖教甄,到七月八日通過初試,我才用了短短八天時間準備。 在《凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-48 學會這套英語試教SOP,教師甄試定獲聘!111年澎湖教甄英語科榜首無私分享!》(   • 凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-48 學會這套英語試教SOP,教師甄試定獲...  )裡,我分享了《Dino on the Go 6》單元一的模擬試教影片,也承諾會繼續分享《Dino on the Go 6》單元二至四的模擬試教影片,這支影片就是單元四的考前試教練習影片(教案文字檔會附在說明欄底),希望能夠幫助更多辛苦奔戰多年、卻始終考不上教甄的考生。加油!Fighting! 感謝前北投國小同事英語團隊臨危授命、組織強大後援團支持我、其中一位前二天還來現場澎湖指導我試教與口試;感謝出借一整層住家讓我安心準備教甄的前蘭嶼東清國小同事;感謝一個月前與我分享澎湖教甄報名連結的花嶼國小老師、讓壓根沒想過自己有能力考上教甄—更別說是榜首了。 最後,除了拍片、剪片,我還熱愛寫作,自2006年起便經營一個部落格,愛好文字的朋友歡迎到我的「隨意窩」。 —————————————————————————— 單元四教案文字檔(跟影片有些出入,後來有修改): Unit 4 Do Whose Workbook Is This? 活動3 句型A Whose cap is this? It’s my cap. 【複習並引起動機 】約2分半 (老師走進教室,精力十足打招呼) “Good morning/afternoon, class.” (學生要先坐妥並大聲回應老師) Good morning/afternoon, Casey. (老師在黑板上寫下A, B, C三組及M 1~3)”Well-done.”替三組在Mission 1(Get to class on time.)打勾。 (插曲一:有學生口罩沒戴好 Tina, please wear your mask properly. ) (插曲二:有學生隔離許久後,剛回到學校 “Wow, Johnathan, I haven’t seen you face to face forever. I’m glad you’re returning to school after quarantine. How’s everything? Mmm… great to hear that.” “We learned 8 different things last time.” (cap, umbrella, wallet, workbook, backpack, glasses, gloves, socks給學生圖卡及提示,學生回答單字。) “Now let’s chant together what we learned last time.”(老師跟學生一起歡樂唱誦)Danny, Danny, What’s the matter? Help me. I can’t find my glasses. They’re not here. They’re not there. I can’t find them anywhere. On your head! On your head! Whose glass are those on your head? Oh, they’re my glasses. Thank you. “Excellent, you all did a great job on reviewing.”替三組在Mission 2(Homework well done.)打勾。 【發展活動 】約3分 (Scenario情境設定)Today we have a special mission. Doraemon needs our help. (邊說邊在黑板上畫出Doraemon)He has too many stuff in his pocket. He doesn’t know the owners. What question can he ask to find out the owners of the cap, the workbook, and the umbrella? “引導學生拼湊出問句:Who–Whose, cap, this, that …. Yes. Doraemon can ask, ‘Whose cap is this?’” 老師板書寫下Whose cap is this (that)? (1.Whose忘了大寫 2.忘了加?3.單字之間忘了空格)先回答並寫下It is my cap. 再寫It’s my cap. (It’s忘了加apostrophe) 延伸:my, 人名’s: It’s Irene’s umbrella.. 接著,老師請學生唸讀課本p.58的Focus 1,同時在黑板上畫出Irene和Danny、及他們各自擁有的物品,Irene(umbrella, workbook), Danny(wallet, backpack),在Doraemon下方畫cap, hamburger 畫好後,開始抽問學生Whose __ is this?學生答It’s __’s ___. 【綜合活動 】分組練習,約3分半 “Now it’s your turn to ask and answer. Let's have a group competition.” 作勢抽籤:”A is a seeded team. So Group A, you will remain seated quietly and observe.”(A組先旁觀)Group B and Group C, come here with your class schedule and line up by number facing the other group.(二組面對面各排一列) B1 Eva指功課表並問”Whose __ is that?“問C1 Terry回答It’s __’s ___.然後攻守互換,C1問、B1回答。正確作答可以排到隊伍後方繼續比賽,答錯回座位保持安靜。 (插曲三:A組Jacky在台下舉手,先請全班Attention, pause please. 問Jacky怎麼回事。他想離座拿衛生紙,”Oh, you have a runny nose and need tissue paper. No problem. Go ahead please.)時間不夠則刪 時間到,人數多的B組獲勝,與A組競賽。請C組回座位安靜觀察。”Group C, go back to your seat and observe quietly. Group A, come up here and line up by number. Ready go. Three minutes.”...“Time’s up. Today the winner is Group B. Let’s give Group B a big hand.”(在Mission 3替Group B打2勾,A和C打1勾) 【收尾 】1分 邊擦黑板邊Let’s review.再說明Homework(說明前老師請全班唸Rule #3 Homework on time.): Review pp.58-59 and finish Quizizz #4 on GC(Google Classroom) before next Monday. 分組計分排序。Everyone in Group __ can get 3 stars… Don’t forget to ask your team leader to sign on your performance record. Let’s call it a day. See you next Monday.
