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Скачать с ютуб 凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-49 英語口試這樣應,教師甄試定獲聘!111年澎湖教甄英語科榜首無私分享! в хорошем качестве

凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-49 英語口試這樣應,教師甄試定獲聘!111年澎湖教甄英語科榜首無私分享! 2 года назад

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凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-49 英語口試這樣應,教師甄試定獲聘!111年澎湖教甄英語科榜首無私分享!

說明:繼二年前(2020年)在蘭嶼考上普通科代理老師(參考《學會這套試教SOP,教師甄試定獲聘| 凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-34》,   • 學會這套試教SOP,教師甄試定獲聘| 凱西胡說Hu Cares Ep-34  )後,我昨天(7月11日)又順利考上澎湖教甄、而且是榜首!可是,自六月三十日起閉關準備111年澎湖教甄,到七月八日通過初試,我才用了短短八天時間準備。 5:58 這支影片主要分享英語教甄口試訣竅,並且盡可能原汁原味重現澎湖教甄榜首—就是我啦—於7月11日的口試過程(其中包含三個英語教甄問題)。不僅全英文呈現,還佐以中文字幕,更難得的是,我還不吝分享英文自我介紹全文。此外,在下方說明欄裡,我還分享其他常見Q&A,希望能夠幫助更多辛苦奔戰多年、卻始終考不上教甄的考生。加油!Fighting! 感謝前北投國小同事英語團隊臨危授命、組織強大後援團支持我、其中特別感謝考前二天來澎湖指導我試教與口試的Sylvia—以及受她委託幫忙借用教室試教的小嫻校長;感謝出借一整層住家讓我安心準備教甄的前蘭嶼東清國小同事依亭和男友小銘;感謝一個月前與我分享澎湖教甄報名連結、並一路鼓勵我的花嶼國小老師諺宇、讓壓根沒想過自己有能力考上教甄—更別說是榜首了。 最後,除了拍片、剪片,我還熱愛寫作,自2006年起便經營一個部落格,愛好文字的朋友歡迎到我的「隨意窩」。 ———————————— 自我介紹: Hi, my name’s Casey. I majored in English Literature in Chinese Culture University and later got my master degree in Translation at Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation, NTNU(National Taiwan Normal University). I’d worked as a flight attendant at China Airlines for a couple years, and a freelance translator for Commonwealth Publishing Company and China Times Publishing Company. When collaborating with them within 9 years, I’ve translated 15 books while some of them are bestsellers. I later passed the examination held by Ministry of Education in 1999 and had become a formal English teacher since 2002. I had taught for 14 years in Taipei Beitou Elementary School before I quit that so-called “金飯碗” and moved to Shanghai. After I moved back to Taiwan a few years ago, I got my yoga teaching certificate and have been teaching senior citizens yoga as a volunteer. However, I’d been feeling a calling to teach English in rural areas or on remote islands. That’s why I went to Lanyu to work as a substitute teacher last year. Look at my skin, it’s a gift from Lanyu. And that’s also why I’m here applying for this position in Penghu and want to devote the rest of my life to English teaching. As Henry Ford said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” In order to stay forever young, I will not only dedicate myself to education, but also teach as a lifelong learner. (以上為二分十秒版本) In my 14 years of teaching career, despite the fact that I was becoming senior, I’d never stopped learning. Instead, I’m studious, loving to learn new stuff and willing to embrace challenges. I'm also good at time management and collaboration (communication and problem solving). I have collaborated with colleagues on several action researches in various topics, such as hamburger writing and ability groupings. During my teaching career, I’ve also coached a couple students in Taipei English Speech Contest and helped them to win the High Distinction Award. (以上為三分鐘版本,要加在上面一段之前) —————————————— 常見口試Q&A: Q1. Why do you want to teach in Penghu?為什麼想來澎湖教書? A1. I feel a big connection with Penghu because we have the same last name “HU”. Sorry, It’s not funny, is it? (以輕鬆幽默開場) Well, the truth is that, as I have mentioned in my self introduction, I’ve been feeling a calling to teach English on a remote island. And Penghu seems to be a wonderful place where I can dedicate myself to my passion. Q2. What are your strengths?你的優勢是什麼?(答題要以優秀教育者特質為主) A2. I am a person with a growth mindset and positive thinking. I’m open-minded, energetic, studious, and most importantly, I’m a good listener. I listen to people mindfully and with great patience. Q3. What have you been reading recently? 你最近讀了哪些好書?(挑二、三本說,自行補充心得、及為何喜歡它們) A3. Dark Horse (Todd Rose) / Think Like a Monk (Jay Shetty)/ Atomic Habits (James Clear) /Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman) /你拿什麼定義自己?Myself and Other More Important Matters 第二曲線The Second Curve (Charles Handy) Q4. How do you help physically or mentally challenged students?如何幫助身心障礙的學生?(謝謝Sylvia提供) A4. I’ll do my best but not do it alone. Even though I’ve I’ll seek for help and cooperate with the school administration and the learners’ primary caregivers. Q5. Are you willing to be part of the administration team? 你願意接行政工作嗎?(雖然不想,但離島很難不接行政) A5. No. My answer would have been “No!” (故意設定一個轉折,展現幽默感)if it was ten years ago when I worked at an urban school in Taipei. However, I’m giving you a totally different answer now while we’re in Penghu because during my substitute teaching experience in Lanyu, I saw how struggling school administration team was on remote islands while there were fewer formal teachers. In other words, my answer to your question is “YES, I am. I’m willing to be part of the school administration team.”
