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Скачать с ютуб 三皈依叫三寶,世間的寶,可以解除我們生活的困難,解除我們精神的束縛,解脫我們的精神。《聽星雲大師說:三皈依》 в хорошем качестве

三皈依叫三寶,世間的寶,可以解除我們生活的困難,解除我們精神的束縛,解脫我們的精神。《聽星雲大師說:三皈依》 2 года назад

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各位觀眾 Hello TV viewers. 大家平安吉祥 Peace and joy to you all. 今天和各位大家講三皈依 Today I'm going to talk about the Triple Gem refuge. 做一個佛教徒 In order to be a Buddhist, 第一個條件要皈依三寶 the first requirement is to take refuge in the Triple Gem 成為 so that he becomes... 三寶就是佛教 the Triple Gem belongs to Buddhism... 就才能作為真正的佛教信徒 before he could become a real Buddhist devotee. 你沒有皈依 If you do not take refuge, 你就是禮拜 even you often perform a prostration, 你就是稱念 do the chanting, 你就是讚美佛陀 sing praise of the Buddha, 你獻花、上香 or offer flowers or incense, 你只能做佛教的尊敬者 you're at best a Buddhist respecter only. 做佛教徒必定要三皈依 A Buddhist should take the Triple Gem refuge. 皈依佛 As for taking refuge in the Buddha, 佛 我們沒有見過 you might not have seen the Buddha in person. 不過你沒有見過佛 Though you might not have seen the Buddha, 你看過光明嗎 have you seen light before? 燈光、日光、月光 Electric light, sunlight, moonlight, 你看到光就是佛 you can imagine the light as the Buddha. 所以佛光普照 The Buddha's light universally shines. 光有什麼用 What is the use of light? 照除黑暗 To dispel darkness. 沒有光 在黑暗裡面你很恐懼 Without light, you'll feel frightened in darkness. 光可以溫暖我們 Light gives us warmth. 你像冷了要曬太陽 When you feel cold, you either warm yourself up under the sun, 要暖氣、烤火爐 turn on the heating, or sit next to a fire. 光能可以成熟萬物 Light can mature myriad things. 你像什麼東西把它曬一曬 Simply put some crops or fruits under sun, 在陽光下它就成熟了 it will get mature. 佛光就能讓我們 The Buddha's light 也可以受到佛光的照耀 shines on us, 佛光的成熟 matures us, 佛光驅逐我們的黑暗 expels the darkness in us, 佛光溫暖我們人生 and brings warmth to our life. 這個佛寶以外叫作法寶 Besides the Buddha Gem there is the Dharma Gem. 法就是甘露法水 The Dharma is like sacramental water. 佛光是我們心中的一個 The Buddha's light is in our mind 好像電廠 like a power station 發電廠 or a power plant. 一燈即明 A room in darkness 萬古的黑暗去除 for a thousand years is lit up in an instant. 甘露法水 The sacramental water of the Dharma 可以讓萬物 moistens myriad things 也是能可以滋潤我們 and our mind, 解除我們的飢渴 relieving our thirst, 能可以讓我成長 stimulating our growth, 洗滌我們的罪業 and cleansing us of our sins. 這個法寶 The Dharma Gem 所以要我們懺悔可以滅罪 helps us repent and eliminate our sins. 佛法也是寶貝 The Buddha Dharma is itself a gem. 三皈依叫三寶 The Triple Gem we take refuge in 世間的寶 is a gem in the world. 可以解除我們生活的困難 It undoes difficulties we face in our life, 三寶解除我們精神的束縛 and unleashes all fetters to our mind 解脫我們的精神 and spirit. 第三是僧寶 The third is the Sangha Gem. 僧寶就是大善知識 The Sangha Gem is our great learnt advisor, 大菩薩、大阿羅漢 great bodhisattva, and great arhat. 就是老師 It's our teacher 他教導我們 who teaches us 讓我們能可以明理 to be sensible, 讓我們學習 guide us in our studies, 讓我們增上 and seek enhancement. 佛像我們的光明 The Buddha is like our light, 是我們的發電廠 our power plant. 法像我們的自來水 The Dharma is like our running water 讓我們有 so that we have... 沒有水人生不能過 one can't just live a life without water! 所以法水甘露 So the Dharma water, or sacramental water, 那麼這個人生就生活得很好 enables us to have a better life. 僧就是福田僧 The Sangha is a field of merits. 我們在老師、善知識、僧 Our teachers, good advisors, and the Sangha 可以得到很多的成長 are beneficial to our growth. 就等於福田 It is equal to a field of merits, 就有好多的土地 or many fields of merits. 所以佛如光 Hence, the Buddha is like light, 法如水 the Dharma is like water, 僧如田 and the Sangha is like a field. 希望大家都能擁有三寶 Hope you all possess the Triple Gem. 祝福大家 Blessings to you all. ============================ ◆關於【人間衛視】◆ 星雲大師秉持傳播真善美的理念, 以「年輕化、教育化、國際化、公益化」為願景, 期望更能落實人間佛教的精神,為社會及世界帶來祥和與歡喜。 瀏覽【人間衛視】官方網站: 訂閱【人間衛視】YouTube頻道: 按讚【人間衛視】FaceBooK:  / ibltv7   追蹤【人間衛視】Instagram:  / ibltv7   下載【人間衛視】iBLTV App: 加入【人間衛視】LINE@: ◆【人間衛視】更多精彩節目◆ 《聽星雲大師怎麼說》 《創藝多腦河OTT》 《生活智多星》 《幸福食光Vlog》 《青春進化論》
