袪褍褋褋泻懈械 胁懈写械芯

小械泄褔邪褋 胁 褌褉械薪写械

袠薪芯褋褌褉邪薪薪褘械 胁懈写械芯

小泻邪褔邪褌褜 褋 褞褌褍斜 Percy style rice recipe -讗讬讱 诪讻讬谞讬诐 讗讜专讝 驻专住讬 讗诪讬转讬 注诐 转驻讜讞讬 讗讚诪讛, 讜讘爪诇 讜转讘诇讬谞讬诐-讘拽诇讜转 -讬砖 诪转讻讜谉 胁 褏芯褉芯褕械屑 泻邪褔械褋褌胁械

Percy style rice recipe -讗讬讱 诪讻讬谞讬诐 讗讜专讝 驻专住讬 讗诪讬转讬 注诐 转驻讜讞讬 讗讚诪讛, 讜讘爪诇 讜转讘诇讬谞讬诐-讘拽诇讜转 -讬砖 诪转讻讜谉 8 谢械褌 薪邪蟹邪写

袝褋谢懈 泻薪芯锌泻懈 褋泻邪褔懈胁邪薪懈褟 薪械 蟹邪谐褉褍蟹懈谢懈褋褜 袧袗袞袦袠孝袝 袟袛袝小鞋 懈谢懈 芯斜薪芯胁懈褌械 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑褍
袝褋谢懈 胁芯蟹薪懈泻邪褞褌 锌褉芯斜谢械屑褘 褋芯 褋泻邪褔懈胁邪薪懈械屑, 锌芯卸邪谢褍泄褋褌邪 薪邪锌懈褕懈褌械 胁 锌芯写写械褉卸泻褍 锌芯 邪写褉械褋褍 胁薪懈蟹褍 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑褘.
小锌邪褋懈斜芯 蟹邪 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹芯胁邪薪懈械 褋械褉胁懈褋邪 savevideohd.ru

Percy style rice recipe -讗讬讱 诪讻讬谞讬诐 讗讜专讝 驻专住讬 讗诪讬转讬 注诐 转驻讜讞讬 讗讚诪讛, 讜讘爪诇 讜转讘诇讬谞讬诐-讘拽诇讜转 -讬砖 诪转讻讜谉

Percy style rice recipe A large pot with water, boil Put 2 teaspoons salt. And pour water 3 cups basmati rice. Cook half the rice cooking and filter. Put a large saucepan 1/3 cup oil, About 2 onions cut into strips and fry in oil until golden. Add onion 1/4 tsp turmeric. Kurt Cmon.-mix. 1/2 teaspoon salt. You can add more Lbtzlhmtogn 1 tablespoon of oil. Mix the cooked rice and mix gently with fried onions. Take a pot large put-about 3 tablespoons of oil. Put 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, 1/4 teaspoon cumin. Cut potatoes into slices the thickness of 1/2 cm. Arrange them in a large saucepan nicely. Sprinkle over the potatoes a little salt and pepper, Fry the potatoes in golden color on both sides. Once the potatoes are gilded pour them rice and fix it right. Cover the pot with a lid. Simmer it for about 7-10 minutes until the rice is ready. Take platter or serving dish. And make it the rice. So it would seem the potatoes stacked neatly top and serv 住讬专 讙讚讜诇 注诐 诪讬诐,诇讛专转讬讞 诇砖讬诐 2 讻驻讬讜转 诪诇讞. 诇砖驻讜讱 诇诪讬诐 3 讻讜住讜转 讗讜专讝 讘住诪讟讬. 诇讘砖诇 讗转 讛讗讜专讝 讞爪讬 讘讬砖讜诇 讗讜专讝 诇住谞谉. 诇砖讬诐 讘住讬专 专讞讘 1/3 讻讜住 砖诪谉 , 诇讞转讜讱 讻-2 讘爪诇讬诐 诇专爪讜注讜转, 讜诇讟讙谉 讘砖诪谉 注讚 讛讝讛讘讛. 诇讛讜住讬祝 诇讘爪诇 1/4 讻驻讬转 讻讜专讻讜诐. 拽讜专讟 讻诪讜谉.-诇注专讘讘. 1/2 讻驻讬转 诪诇讞. 谞讬转谉 诇讛讜住讬祝 诇讘爪诇 讛诪讟讜讙谉 注讜讚 1 讻祝 砖诪谉. 诇注专讘讘 讗转 讛讗讜专讝 讛诪讘讜砖诇 讜诇注专讘讘 讘注讚讬谞讜转 注诐 讛讘爪诇 讛诪讟讜讙谉. 诇拽讞转 住讬专 专讞讘 诇砖讬诐-讻-3 讻驻讜转 砖诪谉 . 诇砖讬诐 1/4 讻驻讬转 讻讜专讻讜诐, 1/4 讻驻讬转 讻诪讜谉. 诇讞转讜讱 转驻讜讞 讗讚诪讛 诇驻专讜住讜转 讘注讜讘讬 砖诇 讻-1/2 住"诪. 诇住讚专 讗讜转诐 讘住讬专 讛专讞讘 讘爪讜专讛 讬驻讛. 诇驻讝专 诪注诇 转驻讜讞讬 讛讗讚诪讛 拽爪转 诪诇讞 讜驻诇驻诇 砖讞讜专, 诇讟讙谉 讗转 转驻讜讞讬 讛讗讚诪讛 诪砖谞讬 讛爪讚讚讬诐 诇爪讘注 讝讛讜讘. 诇讗讞专 砖转驻讜讞讬 讛讗讚诪讛 讛讝讛讬讘讜 诇砖驻讜讱 注诇讬讛诐 讗转 讛讗讜专讝 讜诇住讚专 讗讜转讜 讬砖专. 诇讻住讜转 讗转 讛住讬专 注诐 诪讻住讛. 诇讘砖诇 注诇 讗砖 拽讟谞讛 讻-7-10 讚拽讜转 注讚 砖讛讗讜专讝 诪讜讻谉. 诇拽讞转 诪讙砖 讗讜 爪诇讞转 讛讙砖讛. 讜诇讛驻讜讱 注诇讬讛 讗转 讛讗讜专讝. 讻讱 砖谞专讗讛 讗转 转驻讜讞讬 讛讗讚诪讛 诪住讜讚专讬诐 讬驻讛 诪诇诪注诇讛 讜诇讛讙讬砖.
