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Скачать с ютуб 順德旅遊美食攻略!大良豪華酒店飲早茶!蝦餃29元!鳳爪26元!XO醬陳村粉23元!清暉園!韋記牛雜 30元超好食!華蓋路步行街!交通路線!酒店價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou в хорошем качестве

順德旅遊美食攻略!大良豪華酒店飲早茶!蝦餃29元!鳳爪26元!XO醬陳村粉23元!清暉園!韋記牛雜 30元超好食!華蓋路步行街!交通路線!酒店價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou 6 месяцев назад

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順德旅遊美食攻略!大良豪華酒店飲早茶!蝦餃29元!鳳爪26元!XO醬陳村粉23元!清暉園!韋記牛雜 30元超好食!華蓋路步行街!交通路線!酒店價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

成為此頻道的會員即可獲得以下福利:    / @huntingarcher   #顺德 #美食 #旅遊 餐厅名称:順德人家(黃金商業廣場店) 餐厅地址:順德大良太根路11號黃金商業廣場二樓 GOOGLE MAP: BAIDU MAP: 餐厅消费:蝦餃皇 ¥29,豉汁蒸鳳爪 ¥26,XO醬陳村粉 ¥23 —————————— 餐厅名称:韋記牛雜湯(清暉園店) 餐厅地址:順德大良華蓋裡直街四號偉怡樓2號 GOOGLE MAP: BAIDU MAP: 餐厅消费:蘿蔔牛雜 ¥30 —————————— 清暉園位於廣東省佛山市順德區,建於清嘉慶年間。 為廣東四大名園之一,嶺南園林的代表。 1989年列入廣東省文物保護單位名錄(3-54),2013年3月列入第七批全國重點文物保護單位,為國家AAAA級旅遊景區。 清暉園原址原為黃氏花園。 明朝萬歷三十五年(1607年)順德杏壇鎮人黃士俊高中狀元,官至禮部尚書、大學士。 為了光宗耀祖,於天啟元年,在城南門外的鳳山腳下建造了黃家祠和天章閣、靈阿之閣。 清乾隆年間,黃家衰落,庭院荒廢。 當地龍氏碧鑑海支系21世龍應時得中進士,將天章閣、靈阿之閣購買。 該院歸龍家後,由龍應時傳與其子龍廷槐和龍廷梓,後來廷槐、廷梓分家,庭院的中間部分歸龍廷槐,而左右兩側為龍廷梓所得。 龍廷梓將歸他的左、右兩部分庭院建成以居室為主的庭園,稱為“龍太常花園”和“楚薌園”,人們俗稱左、右花園,南側的龍太常花園 在園主衰落後,賣給了曾秋樵,其子曾棟在此經營蠶種生意,掛上「廣大」的招牌,故又稱廣大園。 龍廷槐字澳堂,於乾隆五十三年(1788年)考中進士,曾任翰林編修,記名禦史。 嘉慶五年(1800年)辭官南歸,居家建園。 嘉慶十一年(1806年),其子龍元任請了江蘇武進進士,書法家李兆洛書寫了「清暉園」三字書餘園的正門上方,以喻父母之恩如日光和煦照耀。 園林經龍應時、龍廷槐、龍元任、龍景燦、龍渚惠等五代人多次修建,逐漸形成了格局完整而又富有特色的嶺南園林。 清暉園佔地約5.1畝(0.34公頃),分為三個景區:南園方池,為園中水景區,主建築有澄漪亭、六角亭、碧溪草堂,以木製通花 裝飾的連廊與裝飾有嶺南佳果的濱水遊廊連接;中園有船廳、惜陰書屋、真硯齋,花亭、獅子山等園林小築,掩映在綠雲深處,周圍廳敞 欄疏,徑暢台淨,濃蔭匝地,是園內景色最集中的遊覽區;北園以竹苑為代表,建築較為密集,樓屋櫛比,假山迎面,修篁夾道,巷院兼通, 是園主們日常生活起居之所。 清暉園的造園特色首先在於園林的實用性,為適合南方炎熱氣候,形成前疏後密,前低後高的獨特佈局,但疏而不空,密而不塞,建築造型輕巧靈活, 開敞通透。 其園林空間組合是透過各種小空間來襯托突出庭院中的水庭大空間,造園的重點圍繞著水亭作文章,整個園林空間主次分明,結構清晰。 其治園藝術,也表現在大量使用鏤空木雕花板、花罩、磚雕等裝飾工藝以及巧布玉堂春、紫藤、素馨花等古樹名木上。 ———————————— Qinghui Garden is located in Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province and was built during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. It is one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong and a representative of Lingnan gardens. It was included in the Guangdong Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Units List (3-54) in 1989. In March 2013, it was included in the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units. It is a national AAAA-level tourist attraction. The original site of Qinghui Garden was Huang's Garden. In the 35th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1607), Huang Shijun, a native of Xingtan Town, Shunde, was the top scholar in high school, and became the Minister of Rites and a bachelor. In order to honor the ancestors, in the first year of Tianqi, the Huang Family Ancestral Hall, Tianzhang Pavilion and Linga Pavilion were built at the foot of Fengshan Mountain outside the south gate of the city. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the Huang family declined and the courtyard was abandoned. The 21st generation Long Ying of the Bijianhai branch of the local Long family was selected as a Jinshi at the right time and purchased Tianzhang Pavilion and Ling'a Pavilion. After the courtyard returned to the Long family, it was passed down by Long Yingshi to his sons Long Tinghuai and Long Tingzi. Later, Tinghuai and Tingzi separated. The middle part of the courtyard belonged to Long Tinghuai, while the left and right sides were owned by Long Tingzi. Long Tingzi built the left and right courtyards that belonged to him into gardens mainly for living rooms, called "Long Taichang Garden" and "Chu Xiang Garden". People commonly call them the left and right gardens, and the Long Taichang Garden on the south side. After the owner of the garden declined, it was sold to Zeng Qiuqiao. His son Zeng Dong ran a silkworm breeding business here and put up a signboard of "Guangda", so it was also called Guangda Garden. Long Tinghuai, named Aotang, passed the Jinshi examination in the 53rd year of Qianlong's reign (1788). He served as editor of the Hanlin Academy and was named as the imperial censor. In the fifth year of Jiaqing (1800), he resigned and returned south to build a garden at home. In the 11th year of Jiaqing (1806), his son Long Yuan was appointed as a Jinshi in Wujin, Jiangsu Province. The calligrapher Li Zhaoluo wrote the three characters "Qinghui Garden" above the main entrance of Yuyuan to symbolize the kindness of his parents shining like the warm sunshine. The garden was built many times by five generations including Long Yingshi, Long Tinghuai 更多精彩影片推薦: ★南沙最大海鮮市場買海鮮★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】南沙最大海鲜市场买海鲜!最抵海鲜烹饪费低至10蚊1...   ★順德本地人首推海鮮火鍋★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】顺德本地人首推海鲜火锅!全场爆满座无虚席!超隐蔽平...   ★國慶假期北京路實況★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】国庆假期北京路实况!!点心13.8!本地人推荐!小...   ★西華路最平靚正老廣懷舊茶樓★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】西华路最平靓正老广怀旧茶楼!!55蚊五款点心!市场...   ★本地人首推海鮮大牌檔★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】本地人首推海鲜大牌档!!人气最高全场爆满!大同村五...   ★146年歷史最老字號茶樓★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】146年历史最老字号茶楼!超平靓正早茶点心人均消费...   —————————————————— Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:34 顺德大良美食之旅/順德人家/读餐牌时间 05:06 交通路线/蝦餃皇/豉汁蒸鳳爪/XO醬陳村粉 17:11 欢乐海岸PLUS/机动游戏/酒店民宿价格 22:25 交通路线/游乐场美食推荐 39:29 清晖园韦记牛杂/意料之外好食 52:19 Ending —————————— #廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #點心 #Chinese Food # Cantonese #Walkton in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #順德 #美食 #旅遊 #大良 #蝦餃 #鳳爪 #陳村粉 #清暉園 #牛雜 #步行街 #華蓋路 #交通路線 # 飯店價 #food tourism #food tour china #vlog study #vlog travel #vlog china #vlog bgm #china tourist #china tourism #china tour guide #chinese food asmr
