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108 MOST Important Bhagavad Gita Slokas recitation with text sloka, ISKCON 2 года назад

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108 MOST Important Bhagavad Gita Slokas recitation with text sloka, ISKCON

#108BhagavadGitaSlokas #importantSlokas #Bhagavadgita 00:00 BG 1.1 dharma-kṣetre (MIne & His) 00:19 BG 2.7 kārpaṇya - (Surrender to Krishna) 00:39 BG 2.11 aśocyān.. (Dont mourn) 00:57 BG 2.12 na tv evāhaṁ.. (Souls, exist for ever) 01:10 BG 2.13 dehino ’smin..(Soul gets a new body at death.) 01:25 BG 2.14 mātrā-sparśās.. (tolerate & dont be disturbed) 01:39 BG 2.20 na jāyate (Soul is not slain when the body is slain). 01:57 BG 2.22 vāsāṁsi (Soul accepts new material bodies) 02:13 BG 2.23 nainaṁ (The soul is indestructible) 02:26 BG 2.27 jātasya (dont lament) 02:39 BG 2.30 dehī nityam (Souls are eternal) 02:53 BG 2.40 nehābhikrama (a little advancement on KC) 03:05 BG 2.41 vyavasāyātmikā (resolute in purpose) 03:20 BG 2.44 bhogaiśvarya (sense enjoyment makes one irresolute) 03:32 BG2.45 trai-guṇya (Rise above the 3 modes ) 03:46 BG 2.46 yāvān artha (small pond - great reservoirs of water) 04:00 BG 2.59 viṣayā (experience a higher taste) 04:13 BG 2.62 dhyāyato (objects of the senses) 04:27 BG 2.63 krodhād (Lust to anger to fall down ) 04:42 BG 2.64 rāga-dveṣa (regulated principles of freedom) 04:55 BG 2.69 yā niśā (awakening for the self-controlled) 05:09 BG 3.9 yajñārthāt (Work as a sacrifice for Viṣṇu) 05:25 BG 3.14 annād (Food grains- rains- sacrifice) 05:37 BG 3.21 yad yad (actions of Great man, common men follows) 05:51 BG 3.27 prakṛteḥ (Soul thinks himself to be the doer of activities) 06:03 BG 3.37 kāma eṣa (Lust-sinful enemy of this world) 06:19 BG 4.1 imaṁ (Vivasvan-manu-Ikṣvāku) 06:37 BG 4.2 evaṁ (chain of disciplic succession) 06:51 BG 4.3 sa evāyaṁ (you are My devotee as well as My friend) 07:07 BG 4.6 ajo ’pi sann (I still appear in every millennium) 07:20 BG 4.7 yadā yadā (I descend Myself) 07:34 BG 4.8 paritrāṇāya (I advent Myself) 07:50 BG 4.9 janma karma (attain My eternal abode) 08:04 BG 4.10 vīta-rāga (take refuge in Me) 08:18 BG 4.11 ye yathā (Everyone follows My path) 08:32 BG 4.13 cātur-varṇyaṁ (four divisions. created by Me) 08:44 BG 4.34 tad viddhi (learn the truth from a spiritual master) 08:58 BG 5.18 vidyā-vinaya (equal vision) 09:12 BG 5.22 ye hi saṁsparśa (do not take part in the sources of misery) 09:27 BG 5.29 bhoktāraṁ (Peace) 09:41 BG 6.17 yuktāhāra (Temperate in habits - mitigate all material pains) 09:54 BG 6.41 prāpya (born into a family of righteous people or rich aristocracy) 10:08 BG 6.47 yoginām (Great Faith & Worshiping Me) 10:24 BG 7.3 manuṣyāṇāṁ (thousands of men, 1 endeavors for perfection ) 10:39 BG 7.4 bhūmir (Krishnas separated material energies) 10:53 BG 7.5 apareyam (superior energy of Krishna) 11:07 BG 7.7 mattaḥ parataraṁ (pearls are strung on a thread) 11:21 BG 7.14 daivī hy eṣā (surrender - cross beyond 3 modes) 11:35 BG 7.15 na māṁ (Foolish do not surrender to Krishna) 11:50 BG 7.16 catur (four kinds of pious men) 12:04 BG 7.19 bahūnāṁ (he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me) 12:18 BG 7.25 nāhaṁ (eternal creative potency [yoga-māyā]) 12:33 BG 7.26 vedāhaṁ (Krishna knows everything) 12:47 BG 7.27 icchā ( dualities of Hate & Desires) 13:01 BG 7.28 yeṣāṁ (free from delusion - determination) 13:16 BG 8.5 anta-kāle (remembering Krishna at the time of death ) 13:30 BG 8.6 yaṁ yaṁ ( one will attain what they remember at death) 13:45 BG 8.7 tasmāt (Think of Krishna always) 14:00 BG 8.14 ananya-cetāḥ ( constant engagement) 14:15 BG 8.15 mām upetya (Ultimate Goal) 14:28 BG 8.16 ā-brahma ( misery is every where) 14:44 BG 8.28 vedeṣu yajñeṣu (investing in Devotional service) 15:01 BG 9.2 rāja () 15:15 BG 9.4 mayā tatam () 15:28 BG 9.10 mayādhyakṣeṇa () 15:41 BG 9.11 avajānanti () 15:55 BG 9.12 moghāśā () 16:08 BG 9.13 mahātmānas () 16:22 BG 9.14 satataṁ () 16:37 BG 9.22 ananyāś () 16:52 BG 9.25 yānti () 17:05 BG 9.26 patraṁ () 17:19 BG 9.27 yat karoṣi () 17:32 BG 9.29 samo ’haṁ () 17:47 BG 9.30 api cet () 18:01 BG 9.32 māṁ hi () 18:16 BG 9.34 man-manā () 18:30 BG 10.8 ahaṁ sarvasya () 18:43 BG 10.9 mac-cittā () 18:56 BG 10.10 teṣāṁ satata () 19:09 BG10.11 teṣām evānukampārtham () 19:23 BG 10.12 paraṁ brahma () 19:41 BG 10.13 āhus tvām () 19:54 BG 10.41 yad yad () 20:07 BG 11.54 bhaktyā tv () 20:21 BG 11.55 mat-karma () 20:35 BG 12.5 kleśo ’dhikataras() 20:48 BG 12.8 mayy eva () 21:02 BG 12.9 atha cittaṁ () 21:15 BG 12.10 abhyāse ’py () 21:28 BG 14.4 sarva-yoniṣu () 21:42 BG 14.26 māṁ ca yo () 21:57 BG 14.27 brahmaṇo () 22:11 BG 15.5 nirmāna-mohā () 22:27 BG 15.6 na tad () 22:42 BG 15.7 mamaivāṁśo () 22:56 BG 15.15 sarvasya () 23:12 BG 15.19 yo mām evam () 23:26 BG 18.42 śamo damas () 23:38 BG 18.54 brahma-bhūtaḥ () 23:51 BG 18.55 bhaktyā mām () 24:05 BG 18.58 mac-cittaḥ () 24:18 BG 18.61 īśvaraḥ sarva () 24:31 BG 18.65 man-manā () 24:44 BG 18.66 sarva-dharmān () 24:57 BG 18.68 ya idaṁ () 25:11 BG 18.69 na ca tasmān () 25:23 BG18.78 yatra ()
