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Скачать с ютуб SKUPINSKA RAZSTAVA: RAZŠIRJENI VID в хорошем качестве


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Razstava Razširjeni vid, obsega 48 del 20 slovenskih umetnic in umetnikov. Tematsko se navezuje na fenomen zaznave z deli umetnic in umetnikov, ki v svojih slikah, reliefih, fotografijah, videih, objektih in instalacijah izkoriščajo vrzeli v percepciji za intenziviranje izkušnje gledanja. Iluzije, ki zavajajo naše oko in uho, ustvarjajo s poigravanjem z barvo ter z elementoma svetlobe in zvoka, z učinki njunih lomljenj in odbojev. Pojem »razširjeni« tako aludira tudi na tista dela, ki sicer imajo svojo vizualno plat, vendar na gledalca primarno delujejo z zvokom. V nekaterih izmed del umetniki dražljaje razsrediščijo in jih razpršijo v prostoru, tako da moramo okoli njih zakrožiti. Drugi izrabljajo optične učinke kontrastov med toplimi in hladnimi barvami ali neprosojnimi in transparentnimi materiali. Tretja dela razkrivajo, da za prevaro očesa zadostuje že ena barva, in sicer s prilagojeno osvetlitvijo, pri čemer umetniki naš pogled usmerjajo v zareze in odprtine v površini nosilca ter črpajo vtis gibanja ali valovanja iz absorpcijske lastnosti črne barve in odbojnosti beline, ki zadržuje pogled na povrhnjici, s čimer ploskev postane občutljiv senzor svetlobnih nians in subtilnih odtenkov. Spet četrta nas z nizi vzporedno položenih črt prepričajo o kinetični utvari, da podoba vibrira, se napenja in poglablja. Del umetnikov uporablja svetlobno občutljive elemente, kot so steklo, plastika in zrcala, v katerih gledalec odseva in postane del njih. Ali pa svetlobo osvobodijo njene običajne funkcije – da nekaj osvetljuje in tisto, kar gledamo, naredi vidno – s čimer sama postane predmet zaznave in našega prevpraševanja resničnosti.razstavi Razširjeni vid, ki obsega 48 del 20 slovenskih umetnic in umetnikov. Alenka Trebušak, kuratorka The Extended Vision is thematically linked to the phenomenon of perception, with the works of twenty artists whose paintings, reliefs, photographs, videos, objects and installations exploit the gaps in perception to intensify the experience of seeing. They create illusions that deceive our eyes and ears by playing with colours and the elements of light and sound, their refractions and reflections. "Extended" thus also alludes to those works that have their own visual aspect, but primarily influence the viewer through sound. In some of the works, the artists decentralise the stimuli and disperse them around the space so that we have to circle around them. Others use the optical effects of contrasts between warm and cool colours or opaque and transparent materials. The third set of works shows that a single colour is enough to deceive the eye through adapted lighting in which the artists direct our gaze to the recesses and openings in their surfaces, drawing the impression of movement or undulation from the absorbent quality of black and the reflectivity of white, that retains the gaze on the surface and makes the surface a sensitive sensor for luminous nuances and subtle hues. The fourth grouping convinces us of the kinetic illusion that the image vibrates, condenses and deepens through the use of a series of lines positioned in parallel. Some of the artists use light-sensitive elements such as glass, plastic and mirrors to reflect and amalgamate the viewer into the piece. In other cases, light is freed from its normal function of illuminating and making visible what we are looking at, but becomes an object of perception itself and our questioning of reality. Alenka Trebušak, curator
