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Lessons from the wilderness for the modern day man | Brane T. Červek | TEDxLjubljana 4 года назад

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Lessons from the wilderness for the modern day man | Brane T. Červek | TEDxLjubljana

Surviving in nature in real life can be quite different from what we see in various TV shows. Nature is an amazing but also an unforgiving teacher. So why should a person go into this precarious environment and face the challanges it brings? Brane T. Červek is a certified survival instructor and the leader of the first professional school of survival S.S.F.N. (The School of Survival From Nature - Special Forces Training) with an international certificate in Slovenia. It has been operating for more than 30 years and offers professional education and trainings for surviving in nature both in the civil and military environment. During that time, Brane was invited by the Australian governmental organization ’’Department for Aboriginal Affairs, South Australia’’ to study the survival techniques of Australian indigenous people by living among them for two years. He was the first European accepted into four tribes: Ngarinyin, Wororra, Wunambul and Kerraywoorroong. Brane has since trained various domestic and foreign soldiers from special units, scouts, and pilots within military programmes. He cooperated with the US, Great Britain, Australian and French armies and has received numerous military praises and awards. Brane T. Červek, certificirani inštruktor preživetja v naravi ustanovitelj in vodja prve profesionalne šole preživetja v naravi S.S.F.N. (The School of Survival From Nature - Special Forces Training) z mednarodnim certifikatom v Sloveniji. Deluje že več kot 30 let in zagotavlja strokovna izobraževanja in usposabljanja veščine preživetja v naravi tako na civilnem, kot vojaškem področju. V tem časovnem obdobju je prejel povabilo iz strani avstralske vladne organizacije “Department for Aboriginal Affairs, South Australia” za raziskavo tehnik preživetja avstralskih staroselcev in med njimi živel dve leti. Kot prvi evropejec je bil posvojen v štiri plemena Ngarinyin, Wororra, Wunambul in Kerraywoorroong, ki so ga vzela za svojega. V okviru vojaških programov je uril in usposabljal že številne domače in tuje vojake iz specialnih enot ter izvidnike in pilote. Sodeloval je z vojskami ZDA, Velike Britanije, Avstralije in Francije. Prejel je številne vojaške pohvale in nagrade. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
