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Скачать с ютуб 王惠芬新移民的自我修養,英國生活五味紛陳,如何用笑聲適應新生活|記香港人 в хорошем качестве

王惠芬新移民的自我修養,英國生活五味紛陳,如何用笑聲適應新生活|記香港人 1 год назад

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香港社福界不會對王惠芬感到陌生,她創立了專門服務少數族裔的融樂會,更先後獲得行政長官社區服務奬,優秀社工,與及人道年奬等業界的肯定。人權和民主的信念支持了她多年的社會服務工作,但這個信念亦帶她走上要離開香港的不歸路。 王惠芬十歲由中國內地來到香港,她自言雖然新移民的身份曾經讓她嘗過不少辛酸,但香港這個地方教懂她什麼是自由和平等,同時令她明白民主和尊重人權的環境才可以保障像她一樣的弱勢社群得到公平的發展機會。因為香港教懂了她一生中最重要的價值,所以她願意投身去守護讓其不受侵蝕。 王惠芬是出了名的「大笑姑婆」,任何人都一定會受到她說話中夾雜的笑話、笑聲和能量所感染。經歷了自「八九六四」以來三十年民主運動,她坦言在「佔領行動」一役感到重大挫折,亦令她自此患上抑鬰症,至今仍未痊癒。「反修例運動」後,她在不情願下,亦要「避走」英國,不但再次成為新移民,成了當地的少數族裔,更意外地變成了難民。 王惠芬訴說了來英的曲折,訴說了和戰友的經歷和情誼,一篇有你有我的香港「年代志」慢慢浮現出來。那怕當中充滿傷痛,她也會適時地以笑聲來調解一下。 雖然舊傷仍未撫平,新傷仍在添加,但原來王惠芬己經再次出發,繼續民權信仰之路,她的腳步和笑聲,一直沒有停下來。 ▌《記・香港人》在記錄每個人物當下的故事之外,也希望藉此和大家一同見證這一代香港共同體的走向。 The “Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement” in 2019 led to the imposition of the National Security Law in Hong Kong by the Central Government in Beijing. On the one hand, it comprehensively suppressed civil rights in Hong Kong. On the other hand, it overturned the social order that had been established in Hong Kong for a long time. One of the phenomena is that intellectuals and professionals who used to speak out are excluded from mainstream voices. People who dare to express opposing ideas and opinions are even threatened or arrested. Fermi Wong, a social worker, is committed to promoting minority rights, human rights, and democratic governance. In the first decade after the 1997 Handover of Hong Kong from the UK to China, her voices and other democratic camps were still heard and accepted. Her professional achievements were affirmed by the regime. These gave her and the Hong Kong society a vision, optimism that a democratic and open society would be realised under "One Country, Two Systems". It turned out to be a false hope. After the crackdown of the "Occupy Movement" in 2014, which she had participated in actively, she realised the progress of human rights and democracy in Hong Kong would regress. There was an unprecedented setback to the values she has been pursing in life. The frustration brought her sadness and depression. Fermi was devastated again upon the brutal suppression of the " Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement" in 2019, in which lots of her long-standing friends ranging from members of civil rights organisations, politicians, religious leaders, scholars to journalists, were charged or detained. She was warned that she was one of the next targets. Under this threat, she left Hong Kong with deep sadness and guilt in 2020 - "fleeing" to the UK. Although Fermi is still suffering from depression, she has never forgot her responsibility and persistence to Hong Kong. In the UK, she continues to speak out for human rights and freedom of Hong Kong people. At the same time, she is committed to reconnecting the Hong Kong people and rebuilding the community. Her self-narrated story confesses her pain and vulnerable side, but also let the audiences feel her resilience and hope. =============== ▌支持綠豆: ▌訂閱綠豆Youtube頻道: ▌追蹤綠豆IG: #綠豆 #記香港人 #香港族群 #移居英國 #王惠芬 #少數族裔 #難民 #新移民 #公民社會 #移民適應
