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龍岡萬坪公園、清真寺、忠貞新村「異域孤軍」故事 3 года назад

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桃園龍岡以雲南料理知名,近年來以「龍岡米干節」吸引遊客。背後有一段歷史故事。 民國38年,國民政府從中國大陸撤守台灣,雲南最後淪陷,當時一支孤軍撤退至雲南與緬甸邊界,活躍於滇緬泰交的金三角地區,史稱「異域孤軍」。這支孤軍持續與共軍作戰,也與緬甸政府軍作戰。 由於緬甸政府向聯合國控訴,這支孤軍侵佔緬甸國土,民國42年至43年之間, 政府安排首批孤軍6千多人撤退來到台灣,安置於桃園龍岡忠貞新村。 半個世紀以前撤退來台灣的第一代孤軍,隨著歲月已逐漸凋零,忠貞新村的舊貌亦已消失,然而來自雲南、緬甸、泰國邊境的孤軍後代,則傳承了異域的料理, 後來成為桃園「龍崗米干節」的由來。 Taoyuan Longgang is famous for its Yunnan cuisine, and in recent years it has attracted tourists with the "Longgang Migan (Rice Dry) Festival". There is a historical story behind it. In 1949, the Nationalist government withdrew from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan, and Yunnan Province was the last to be captured. At that time, a lone army retreated to the border between Yunnan and Myanmar and was active in the Golden Triangle area where the Yunnan-Myanmar-Thailand crossroads. This army was called "The Lone Army in a foreign Land". This lone army continued to fight with the Communist Party and also with the Burmese government forces. As the Burmese government filed a complaint with the United Nations, this lone army invaded and occupied Burma's land. Between 1953 and 1954, the government arranged for the first group of more than 6,000 people of the lone army retreat to Taiwan and settle in Longgang Zhongzhen Village, Taoyuan. The first generation of solitary soldiers who retreated to Taiwan half a century ago has gradually passed away, and the old appearance of Zhongzheng Village has disappeared. However, the descendants of the lone army from the borders of Yunnan, Burma, and Thailand inherited exotic cuisine from the first generation and later became The origin of the "Longgang Migan (Rice Dry) Festival" in Taoyuan. 【忠貞市場】(Zhongzhen Mark) 眷村改建之後,忠貞市場主要範圍移至前龍街、龍平路與後龍街之間。 After the villages were rebuilt, the main area of the Zhongzheng Market was moved to Qianlong Street, Longping Road and Houlong Street. 本次行程的交通資訊,請參考以下Google地圖網址連結: (Please refer to the following Google Map link for the traffic informatin ) 【交通資訊】(Traffic Information) ★大眾運輸:搭乘桃園客運5008、5011、717、232、232A、112南至忠貞站。 ★自行開車:Google地圖衛星導航輸入「忠貞市場」,即可導航至目的地。忠貞市場範圍頗大,建議導航至附近停車場,例如:桃園市中壢區「CITY PARKING 城市車旅停車場」、「Gogoro 電池交換站 貿東停車場站」等。 ★Public transportation: Take Taoyuan Bus 5008, 5011, 717, 232, 232A, 112 south to Zhongzhen Stop. ★Drive by yourself: Enter "Zhongzhen Market" in Google Maps satellite navigation to navigate to your destination. The Zhongzhen Market has a large area. It is recommended to navigate to nearby parking lots, such as "CITY PARKING parking lot", "Gogoro Battery Exchange Station and Maodong Parking Station" ( Zhongli District, Taoyuan City). 【延伸閱讀】(Extended reading) ★Tony的自然人文旅記第1663篇 - 旅行影片:桃園霄裡大池.八德落羽松森林    • 一次旅行,兩處美景~霄裡大池落羽松、八德落羽松森林, 環狀悠遊路線   ★更多的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站(旅記依旅行區域分類): 【影片製作相關設備及軟體】(Video production related equipment and software) Gopro Hero 8 運動型攝影機 (攝影) YiDa-Mic-02 領夾式麥克風 (錄音) Relive app 3D GPS足跡 (行程記錄) Power Director 15 威力導演 ( 剪接/字幕) YouTube音效庫 (音樂) PhotoImpact 13 (繪圖) Google Map (交通地圖)
