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Скачать с ютуб 【波佛斯40MM防空砲】二戰風靡世界的高射砲,幾乎所有參戰方都有裝備,臺灣至今仍在用,產量高達6萬門,誕生至今服役近百年,二戰時期瑞典靠這款武器狂賺20億美元 в хорошем качестве

【波佛斯40MM防空砲】二戰風靡世界的高射砲,幾乎所有參戰方都有裝備,臺灣至今仍在用,產量高達6萬門,誕生至今服役近百年,二戰時期瑞典靠這款武器狂賺20億美元 2 года назад

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博福斯40毫米高射砲(又名40炮或波佛斯炮)為瑞典博福斯(Bofors)所設計之高射砲,是二次世界大戰以來主要的中型地面防空武器之一,多為盟軍使用。波佛斯40毫米高射砲在1933年問世,原型號40 mm akan M/32,或稱為Bofors 40 mm L/60。首批為荷蘭海軍於1934年8月所訂購,之後波佛斯開始研發製造以拖車拖運之火砲,並在比利時展示不久後接獲訂單,後英美開始引進並改制。美國海軍於1940年購進雙管型後,開始在各艦種裝配此型防空艦炮,美國陸軍原主張使用自行設計之37毫米火砲,然而其效能不及自英國進口的六門40毫米火砲,故美國開始商討自製此型火砲之計劃,以供應美國軍火廣大之需求。美國製的40毫米火砲稱為“40 mm Automatic Gun M1”,可發射三種不同的英制砲彈以及M18A1破甲彈。 The Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun (also known as the 40 gun or Bofors gun) is an anti-aircraft gun designed by Bofors in Sweden. It is one of the main medium-sized ground air defense weapons since World War II. It is mostly used by the Allies. . The Bofors 40 mm anti-aircraft gun came out in 1933, the original model 40 mm akan M/32, or Bofors 40 mm L/60. The first batch was ordered by the Dutch Navy in August 1934. After that, Bofors began to develop and manufacture the artillery towed by a trailer, and received an order shortly after being displayed in Belgium. Later, the United Kingdom and the United States began to introduce and reform the artillery. After the U.S. Navy purchased the dual-barreled type in 1940, it began to assemble this type of anti-aircraft gun on various ships. The U.S. Army originally advocated the use of a self-designed 37mm gun, but its effectiveness was not as good as the six 40mm guns imported from the United Kingdom. Therefore, the United States began to discuss plans to make this type of artillery in order to supply the vast demand for American armaments. The American-made 40 mm gun is called the "40 mm Automatic Gun M1", which can fire three different imperial shells and M18A1 armor-piercing shells.
