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Karanīya Mettā Sutta 慈爱经 by Imee Ooi 黄慧音 2 года назад

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Karanīya Mettā Sutta 慈爱经 by Imee Ooi 黄慧音

Karaniya Metta Sutta - Pali The Great Buddha's words on cultivating an all-embracing mind of loving-kindness for all throughout the universe, in all its height, depth and breath, love that is untroubled and beyond suffering, love that brings peace and happiness. 慈爱经 - 巴利文 善护诸根,正直,温和,简樸生活 培育无限慈爱的心,远离痛苦,永得快乐安祥 Karaṇīya mattha kusalena Yaṁ taṁ santaṁ padaṁ abhisamecca Sakko ujū ca sūjū ca Suvaco cassa mudu anatimānī One skilled in good, who wishes to seek and attain the state of peace, should be able, honest and upright, obedient, gentle, and humble. 修习善法,希望达到心平静,安详的人,应当能干,坦诚,正真,善顺,温和,谦卑。 Santussako ca subharo ca Appakicco ca sallahukavutti Santindriyo ca nipako ca Appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho He should be content and easy to support, not caught up in too many duties, simple in living, tranquil in senses, discreet, courteous, not fawning on families. 应当知足,易以被护持,生活简朴,六根寂静,谨慎,有礼貌,不依恋眷属。 Na ca khuddhaṁ samācare kiñci Yena viññū pare upavadeyyuṁ Sukhino vā khemino hontu Sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā He should refrain from any mean deeds, for which the wise might censure. May all beings be well and secure. May all beings be happy. 他应当不犯任何过失,即使是微小的。以免让智者指责。发愿所有的众生都安好,平安,愿他们都快乐。 Ye keci pāṇabhūtatthī Tasā vā thāvarā vā anavasesā Dīghā vā ye vā mahantā Majjhimā rassakāṇukathūlā Whatever living things there may be without exception, weak or strong, long, huge, or middling, short, subtle, or blatant. 所有众生,无论是弱,是强,是长,是大,是中等,是胖短,小或巨大。 Diṭṭhā vā yeva addiṭṭhā Ye ca dūre vasanti avidūre Bhūtā vā sambhavesī vā Sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā Visible or not visible, living near or far, born or coming to birth, may they all be happy. 可见或不可见,远或近,已出生或将出生,愿他们都快乐。 Na paro paraṁ nikubbetha Nātimaññetha katthaci naṁ kanci Byārosanā paṭighasaññā Nāññamaññassa dukkhamiccheyya Let no one deceive another or despise anyone anywhere, or through anger or ill-will, wish for another to suffer. 远在任何处所的大家,都不相敌对或轻视,都不以愤怒,恶念,让人受苦。 Mātā yathā niyaṁ puttaṁ Āyusā ekaputta manurakkhe Evam’pi sabbabhūtesu Mānasaṁ bhāvaye aparimāṇaṁ As a mother would risk her own life to protect her child, her only child, even so to all beings, one should cultivate a boundless heart. 愿能修养无量的慈心以对待一切众生,就像慈母不惜自己的生命以保护自己的孩子。 Mettañ ca sabba lokasmiṁ Mānasaṁ bhāvaye aparimāṇaṁ Uddhaṁ adho ca tiriyañca Asaṁbādhaṁ averaṁ asapattaṁ Cultivate for all throughout the universe a heart of boundless loving-kindness, in all its height, depth and breath, unobstructed, beyond hatred or enmity. 愿能修养无量慈悲和爱心给予宇宙。上方,下方及横遍十方,没有障碍,无仇恨,无敌意。 Tiṭṭhaṁ caraṁ nisinno vā Sayāno vā yāvata’ssa vigatamiddho Etaṁ satiṁ adhiṭṭheyya Brahmametaṁ vihāraṁ idhamāhu As one stand, walk, sit or lie, as long as you are awake, pursue this state of mindfulness; it is called the Divine State here. 醒觉的人,无论在行,立,坐,卧, 都应当保持慈心的正念,一个梵行至高的境界。 Diṭṭhiṁ ca anupagamma sīlavā Dassanena sampanno Kāmesu vineyya gedhaṁ Na hi jātu gabbhaseyyaṁ punaretī’ti. Not falling into wrong beliefs, but virtuous and endowed with insight, overcome all desires for sensual pleasures, never again shall he be entangled in the round of rebirth. 不堕恶见,俱足戒律智见,断除一切贪欲,解脱轮回。 Online streaming and downloads: Apple Music   / %e6%85%88%e6%84%9b%e7%b6%93-%e5%b7%b4%e5%8...   KKBOX Spotify MyMusic Amazon music DEEZER Follow Imee Ooi:   / imeeooiimm     / imeeooi     / imee_ooi  
