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历代志上第五课:以东人的家谱( 5 дней назад

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00:00:00 开篇 00:09:00 结构:历代志上1章34到54节 00:12:50 经文:历代志上1章34节 00:38:35 经文:历代志上1章35到42节 00:45:18 经文:历代志上1张43到54节 相关文件:离开路德宗的公开声明 (注:这里说的路德教会包开所谓LC-MS、Wels、LCC以及所有信义宗和路德宗”) October 1, 2024 Ascension Lutheran Church SELC LC-MS Call on the Diocese to immediately remove Waldemar R. Vinovskis and Charles St-Onge An open letter to resign from the pastorate of LCMS-SELC (SMP) at the same time Dear pastors, brothers and sisters: In view of Charles St-Onge’s long-term collusion with people in the Chinese Communist Party to persecute, accuse and frame me; in view of Waldemar R. Vinovskis’ long-term connivance and participation in all these evils; in view of the comprehensive destruction of the church ministry in Montreal caused by the above-mentioned evils over the past few years; In view of the long-term racist prejudice and arrogance displayed by the above two gentlemen; in view of their refusal within the given period of time to publicly apologize for intimidation, false accusations and slander; therefore: 1. I and 70 Lutherans from this Chinese Congregation will withdraw from SELC immediately; 2 I urge all District colleagues to take action to drive these two evil men out. The three charges filed by Charles St-Onge in collusion with Waldemar R. Vinovskis have long been lies of the devil: 1. Different interpretations of certain verses of the Book of Concord are deliberately bent into comprehensive negations. 2 knowingly fabricated my conviction by the Montreal Police Department, but shamelessly refused to apologize after being corrected. 3 This interpretation of SPM ministry denies the basic definition of pastoral ministry in the Bible itself. These additions are cursed (Revelation 22:18-19). The papal persecution of Luther is being repeated today, which is a disgrace to the Lutheran diocese. Today, one of the reasons for the moral decay in the Western world, including the United States, is that the church is losing its ability to renew and its testimony of righteousness. Finally, we hope that the Lutheran Church will rebuild its humility and passion for the truth and reflect deeply on the condoning of the above-mentioned sins over the past many years. And we, a small group of people, will continue to bear witness for Christ in these last days based on biblical truth; at the same time, a global District is being formed. Finally, I would like to thank all the brothers and sisters in the District and Ascension Lutheran Church who support me and love the truth. No darkness or fornication can ever cover the light and truth. In the name of Christ Chunlin Hu A true Lutheran Pastor Pastor of Montreal Chinese Christian Church Founder and advocate of the Christianity Reconstruction 相关讲章: 历代志第五课:以东人或路德宗谱 时间到了2024年的秋天,我们需要正式离开“路德教会”(LC-MS,SELC)这一站,“吩咐以色列人往前走”。在某种意义上,路德教会是主流基督教或所谓新教败坏的第一原因、重灾区和始作俑者,也是主流基督教与世界众王淫行的缩影。无论就其教义丘坛、鸡汤布道、教区和地方教会充斥着政客与戏子——没有义人连一个都没有——以及非政治的淫妇。鸡汤化、老龄化是神对路德教会的天罚和管教;教区和神学院在刚硬中日渐衰败,只能依靠个别来自习国的下贱而不知羞耻、缺德无才的洋奴和名利之徒回光返照。感谢神,真理、道路和生命都预备到了这个秋天,我们昂首离开路德宗。更可藉着历代志第一章中以东人的家谱,让我们对路德教会作一次简明扼要的“法勒”。路德人就是以东人;这些前长子曾照应许得救,奈何终于吃教徒作了王,正在整体上走向灰飞烟灭,倒毙于野。神留给他们的日子已经不多了。 视频导读: 【离开路德宗的公开声明】这份文件随同今天主日视频同发(见视频下公告栏)。该文件已与上周送达SELC和LCMS约100位牧者。从此我们与任何路德教会分别。我们继续前行到下一站,并将来自SELC和所有不是基于圣经而基于教义和伪善的指控和报复视若粪土。“你吩咐以色列人往前走”。 【习近平与中国人的长夜】以东王国的列王家谱及其死灭,教导我们那一代一代人因为王朝更替而兴起的希望和绝望,以及死亡所代表的“永远的咒诅”。以扫山时间是北京时间,是永远的垃圾时间。但是,无论暗夜有多漫长,仍然会有一个尽头。以东人的家谱就是基督教和路德宗的家谱。 【十月七日以色列周年祭】明天是以色列遭遇哈马斯恐袭一周年。基督徒判断大是大非不是偏执个人生命与道德的论断,而是根据神的应许,就是以色列(创12:1-3)。谁支持以色列(不是乌克兰)我们就支持谁。为此,我们有足够圣经根据支持川普,同时弃绝拜登哈里斯、路德宗和主流。
