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Скачать с ютуб 廣東連州美食旅遊攻略!特產平靚正!瘋狂大採購!!牛肉乾55元一斤!翻山越嶺!陽山食靚雞!雞有雞味!一定要試!從未吃過這麼美味!群山環繞的城市!午餐!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou в хорошем качестве

廣東連州美食旅遊攻略!特產平靚正!瘋狂大採購!!牛肉乾55元一斤!翻山越嶺!陽山食靚雞!雞有雞味!一定要試!從未吃過這麼美味!群山環繞的城市!午餐!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou 1 день назад

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廣東連州美食旅遊攻略!特產平靚正!瘋狂大採購!!牛肉乾55元一斤!翻山越嶺!陽山食靚雞!雞有雞味!一定要試!從未吃過這麼美味!群山環繞的城市!午餐!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

成為此頻道的會員即可獲得以下福利:    / @huntingarcher   #連州 #美食 #旅遊 餐廳名稱:食德喜·陽山雞食研基地 餐廳地址:陽山縣陽城鎮星月路127號 GOOGLE MAP: BAIDU MAP: 餐廳消費:鮑魚湯 ¥18,肉汁蟲草花湯 ¥9,啫啫雞 ¥138,上湯菜心 ¥23 ———————————— 我猜你想了解的是陽山縣吧,它隸屬於廣東省清遠市哦,讓我來為你展開介紹吧: 地理位置及交通 陽山縣位於廣東省西北部、清遠中部,南嶺山脈南麓,連江中游。它位於東經112°22’01’~113°01’06’,北緯23°58’47’~24°55’52’之間。縣境東接乳源縣、英德市,南連清新、廣寧縣,西界懷集、連南縣,北與連州及湖南省的宜章縣接壤。陽山縣距廣州160千米,水陸交通便利,清連高速、廣連高速、汕昆高速、國道323線和省道260線、114線貫穿縣境,是珠三角「兩小時生活圈」的重要組成部分。 行政規劃及人口 陽山縣總面積3,330平方公尺,現轄13個鎮(鄉),包括陽城鎮、嶺背鎮、青蓮鎮、七拱鎮、太平鎮、黎埠鎮、小江鎮、黃坌鎮、江英鎮、杜步鎮、楊梅鎮、大崀鎮、秤架瑤族鄉,共有167個村(社區),是廣東省21個扶貧開發工作重點縣之一。截至2022年末,陽山縣戶籍人口為57.93萬人,常住人口36.72萬人(該數據會隨時間推移而變化,建議訪問陽山縣人民政府官網以獲取最新數據)。 歷史沿革 戰國境內有陽禺國,秦朝末年設陽山關,西漢高祖時置陽山縣,迄今已有2200多年的歷史。陽山縣在歷史上也經歷過多次行政區劃調整,最終於1988年2月屬於廣東省清遠市。 自然資源及生態 陽山縣自然資源豐富,生態公益林面積全省最大、全國第三,森林覆蓋率達72.53%(該數據可能隨時間推移而變化,有說法稱2022年陽山縣森林覆蓋率達73.46%) ,是「廣東省林業生態縣」「全國森林旅遊示範縣」。 經濟發展 近年來,陽山縣的經濟保持穩定成長。 2022年,陽山縣實現生產總值140.25億元,年增1.6%;2023年陽山縣實現生產總值144.42億元,年增3.5%。 著名景點 陽山縣旅遊資源豐富,主要景區(景點)有賢令山森林公園、神峰關、廣東第一峰、神筆山、北山古寺、連江風景帶及南嶺國家森林公園等。 綜上所述,陽山縣是一個地理位置優越、歷史悠久、自然資源豐富、生態優美且經濟發展穩定成長的縣份,同時也有豐富的旅遊資源。 ———————————— I guess you want to know about Yangshan County, which belongs to Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province. Let me introduce it to you: Geographic location and transportation Yangshan County is located in the northwest of Guangdong Province, the central part of Qingyuan, the southern foot of the Nanling Mountains, and the middle reaches of the Lianjiang River. It is located between 112°22’01’~113°01’06’ east longitude and 23°58’47’~24°55’52’ north latitude. The county borders Ruyuan County and Yingde City in the east, Qingxin and Guangning County in the south, Huaiji and Liannan County in the west, and Lianzhou and Yizhang County in Hunan Province in the north. Yangshan County is 160 kilometers away from Guangzhou, with convenient water and land transportation. Qinglian Expressway, Guanglian Expressway, Shankun Expressway, National Highway 323 and Provincial Highways 260 and 114 run through the county, making it an important part of the "two-hour living circle" in the Pearl River Delta. Administrative Planning and Population Yangshan County has a total area of ​​3,330 square kilometers and currently has 13 towns (townships), including Yangcheng Town, Lingbei Town, Qinglian Town, Qigong Town, Taiping Town, Libu Town, Xiaojiang Town, Huangben Town, Jiangying Town, Dubu Town, Yangmei Town, Dalang Town, and Chengjia Yaozu Township, with a total of 167 villages (communities). It is one of the 21 key counties for poverty alleviation and development in Guangdong Province. As of the end of 2022, the registered population of Yangshan County was 579,300 and the permanent population was 367,200 (this data will change over time, it is recommended to visit the official website of Yangshan County People's Government to obtain the latest data). Historical Evolution During the Warring States Period, there was Yangyu State in the territory, Yangshan Pass was established in the late Qin Dynasty, and Yangshan County was established during the reign of Emperor Gaozu of the Western Han Dynasty. It has a history of more than 2,200 years. Yangshan County has also undergone many administrative division adjustments in history, and finally belonged to Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province in February 1988. Natural resources and ecology Yangshan County is rich in natural resources, with the largest ecological public welfare forest area in the province and the third in the country, and a forest coverage rate of 72.53% (this data may change over time, and it is said that the forest coverage rate of Yangshan County in 2022 will reach 73.46%). It is a "Guangdong Forestry Ecological County" and a "National Forest Tourism Demonstration County". 更多精彩影片推薦: ★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★    • 開平!食遊記!最新樓價!三房兩廳 23萬!三日兩夜!想不到!特色美食!二人...   ★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★    • 【廣州漫步粵菜美食探店】三天兩夜!台山廣海鎮!食足一日海鮮!海鮮市場買海鮮...   ★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】中山美食游!33元一只!最有名石岐乳鸽味道如何?!...   ★中山最隱世漁村食海鮮★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】开车100公里!中山最隐世渔村食海鲜!市场海鲜街!...   ★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】广州最大海鲜市场!食海鲜必去!消费300元!巨满足...   —————————————————— Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:36 飯店自助早餐 06:19 買連州特產/風乾牛肉/臘鴨/臘腸/臘肉 23:42 開車前往陽山/路上風景超靚 29:24 食德喜·陽山雞食研基地/讀餐牌時間 33:47 鮑魚湯/肉汁蟲草花湯/啫啫雞/上湯菜心 42:20 文塔 44:47 Ending —————————— #广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #連州 #美食 #旅遊 #特產 #大採購 #牛肉乾 #牛肉 #翻山越嶺 #陽山 #午餐 #臘味 #臘腸 #菜心 #雞 #food tourism #food tour in china #china tour 2024 #china tourism 2024 #vlog travel #vlog china #vlog bgm #cantonese vlog
