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Скачать с ютуб 湖光山色藝術季秋季公演|歌仔戲學系《甘國寶過台灣》 в хорошем качестве

湖光山色藝術季秋季公演|歌仔戲學系《甘國寶過台灣》 9 месяцев назад

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由文化部指定「重要傳統表演藝術保存者-歌仔戲」-國寶藝師王金櫻及小咪教授傳承, 本劇將是一齣能充分顯現臺灣歌仔戲發育沿革、滋長獨特劇種意識歷程的傳統劇目,透過經典劇目傳承, 將屬於臺灣特有的歌仔戲表演藝術精華予重現保存,使歌仔戲的傳統唱念及優美的身段做表, 結合當代劇場的呈現,去蕪存菁,讓傳統在現代能有更豐富的面貌,藝術得以雋永保存。 Designated as "the Cultural Advocate & Heritage Preservationist - Taiwanese Opera", the two National Living Treasure Wang Jin-ying and Hsiao-mi continue to pass down this traditional performing art. This production is going to showcase the evolution and unique cultural consciousness of Taiwanese opera in Taiwan. By preserving the essence of traditional Taiwanese opera through classic works, it combines traditional singing and eloquent body movements, blending them with contemporary theatrical presentation. This fusion of tradition and modernity enriches the art form, ensuring its enduring preservation. 劇情大綱 福州人甘國寶本性善良,但頑皮嬉鬧,從小與姑表姊雪嬌、姨表姊王蓮蓮一起玩耍,三人青梅竹馬、形影不離。 長大成人後,甘國寶跟雪嬌兩人感情甚篤、共結連理,王蓮蓮嫁到外鄉,成為富豪夫人。 然而,甘國寶因交友不慎,成為不務正業好賭之人,最終家產輸光,欠下鉅額賭債,時常受人拳腳, 因此決定到臺灣賺錢,因而求助表姊王蓮蓮,不料蓮蓮由愛生怨,不僅故作冷落, 並以言語奚落,並嘲諷甘國寶:「你若會做官,我王蓮蓮,三步一跪、五步一拜, 頭插清香,跪在你面前,磕你的靴尖,磕三下。」 甘國寶不甘受辱,憤而離開。 甘國寶幾經波折終於籌到路費,並因緣際會搭上躲颱風的官船,又意外地救了把總大人一命, 把總因此引薦甘國寶入職。官船駛入打狗,恰逢恆春平埔族人出草,總兵無計可施, 甘國寶提出意見「以利交換」,並隻身前往交涉,雙方達成協議,不再出草。 百姓針對甘國寶敬愛有加,把總便推薦甘國寶回福州任職。 王蓮蓮丈夫犯錯,財產充公,聽說表弟甘國寶回福州當官,便前往求情。 國寶要蓮蓮依當日誓言而行,王蓮蓮悔悟不已,兩人前嫌盡釋,國寶幫姊夫洗清冤屈,一家團圓。 Gan Guobao, originally from Fuzhou, is kind-hearted but mischievous. He grew up playing with his cousins, Xue Jiao and Wang Lianlian. They were childhood best friends. As they turned into adults, Gan Guobao and Xue Jiao developed a deep bond and eventually married each other. Meanwhile, Wang Lianlian married into a wealthy family in another town. However, due to Guobao's imprudent friendships and gambling habits, he squandered his family's wealth and accumulated substantial debts. He was often beaten and therefore decided to seek opportunities in Taiwan. He turned to his cousin Wang Lianlian for help, but instead of offering assistance, she treated him coldly and mocked him because of resentment arising from love, saying, "If you ever become an official, I, Wang Lianlian, will kneel before you and knock my forehead on your boots." Guobao then left with anger. After facing numerous challenges, Guobao managed to raise enough money for the journey. He coincidentally boarded an official ship escaping a typhoon and saved the life of a high-ranking official. As a result, he was recommended for an official position. Upon reaching Takao (i.e. the old name of Kaohsiung), the ship encountered issues with the local indigenous people, and Guobao proposed to exchange for benefits. He ventured alone to negotiate with the indigenous people, and they reached an agreement. Guobao earned the admiration of the people, and the high-ranking official recommended him to return to Fuzhou for an official appointment. Upon hearing that her husband's properties had been confiscated due to his mistakes, Wang Lianlian approached her cousin Guobao, who had returned to Fuzhou for an official post, seeking his help. Guobao insisted that Lianlian honor her past vows, and after realizing her mistake, she humbled herself. They reconciled, and Guobao helped her husband vindicate, finally leading to a reunion.
