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Top 10 HILARIOUS Magicians from Britain's Got Talent!

The Funniest Magicians EVER from Britain's Got Talent! Featuring: Mandy Muden (2018) - 0:00 Keiichi Iwasaki (2022) - 05:26 Matt Edwards (2017) - 14:34 Christian Lee (2016) - 23:20 Alan Hudson (2019) - 26:41 Kat Hudson (2019) - 32:48 Lioz Shem Tov (2020) - 39:30 Haken Berg (2020) - 43:43 John Archer (2019) - 47:18 Graeme Mathews (2019) - 51:24 #bgt #magician #comedian ▶︎ Watch more Got Talent here: @gottalentglobal ▶︎ Facebook:   / gottalentglobal   ▶︎ Twitter:   / gottalentglobal   ▶︎ Instagram:   / gottalentglobal   ▶︎ Subscribe to Got Talent Global: Got Talent Global brings together the very best in worldwide talent, creating a central hub for fans of the show to keep up to date with the other sensational performances from around the world.
