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Скачать с ютуб 运20在欧洲最大航展为何惊呆老外?空运33吨物资,来回2万公里飞越半个地球!解放军大方展示中国战略运输机真正投送实力/PLA Y-20 has strong delivery capabilities в хорошем качестве

运20在欧洲最大航展为何惊呆老外?空运33吨物资,来回2万公里飞越半个地球!解放军大方展示中国战略运输机真正投送实力/PLA Y-20 has strong delivery capabilities 10 месяцев назад

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运20在欧洲最大航展为何惊呆老外?空运33吨物资,来回2万公里飞越半个地球!解放军大方展示中国战略运输机真正投送实力/PLA Y-20 has strong delivery capabilities

2022年9月2日下午,欧洲最大航展奥地利“空中力量-2022”航展开幕,当运-20出现的那一刻,老外彻底被震撼到了。外国观众原以为运-20是在奥地利当地进行组装的,但是当中国空军飞行员告诉他们,它是从中国直接飞到奥地利参加航展时,老外对中国空军强大的实力表示敬佩。 在这之前,运-20型运输机已经多次承担了国内外人道主义救援、包括抗击新冠肺炎疫情的对外援助行动,例如阿富汗和巴基斯坦。其中,令世界瞩目的一次就是驰援汤加,2022年1月,中国33吨物资支援汤加,来回2万公里,运-20战略运输机飞了半个地球。 巨大的冲击力、扑面而来的压迫感,这就是运-20给人的第一印象。在这震撼人心的气氛下,一场空投比武竞赛的大幕也即将拉开。张雨,来自西部战区空军航空兵某团,曾荣立二等功1次、三等功3次,先后执飞过多种运输机。作为这次空投比武大赛冠军的有力争夺者,他会交出怎样的答卷的呢? On the afternoon of September 2, 2022, the Austrian "Air Power-2022" air show, Europe's largest air show, opened. The moment the Y-20 appeared, the foreigner was completely shocked. Foreign audiences originally thought that the Y-20 was assembled locally in Austria, but when the Chinese Air Force pilot told them that it flew directly from China to Austria to participate in the air show, the foreigners expressed admiration for the powerful strength of the Chinese Air Force. Prior to this, the Y-20 transport aircraft had repeatedly undertaken domestic and foreign humanitarian relief operations, including foreign aid operations to combat the COVID-19 epidemic, such as in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Among them, the one that attracted the world's attention was the rush to aid Tonga. In January 2022, China supported Tonga with 33 tons of materials, a round trip of 20,000 kilometers, and the Y-20 strategic transport aircraft flew halfway around the world. Huge impact and a sense of pressure coming towards your face, this is the first impression that the Y-20 gives people. In this shocking atmosphere, an airdrop competition is about to begin. Zhang Yu, from an aviation regiment of the Air Force in the Western Theater Command, has won second-class merit once and third-class merit three times, and has flown a variety of transport aircraft. As a strong contender for the championship in this airdrop competition, what kind of answer will he give? 运20在欧洲最大航展为何惊呆老外?空运33吨物资,来回2万公里飞越半个地球!解放军大方展示中国战略运输机真正投送实力/PLA Y-20 has strong delivery capabilities
