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ROLAND XP30 vs XPS30, which one is better for piano gig? 🎹 3 года назад

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ROLAND XP30 vs XPS30, which one is better for piano gig? 🎹

Halo, kembali bersama saya ‪@ochisalat‬ akan membanding suara piano dari 2 keyboard yang memiliki kemiripan nama tapi berbeda 20 tahun generasinya, yaitu Roland XP30 (1999) dengan XPS30 (2019) 😊 Pastinya untuk suara piano merk Roland ini sudah terpercaya, terkenal, dan mempunyai fans tersendiri, hanya memang karena terpaut tahun pembuatan yang cukup jauh jadi pasti untuk generasi baru yakni XPS30 ini sudah mendapat built in sample piano terbaru dibandingkan suara piano XP30. Suara piano XP30 yang diambil dari generasi Roland JV1080/2080 ini sangat terkenal dimasanya & terdengar dibanyak produksi rekaman, tapi karena jaman sudah berubah jadi memang terdengar ketinggalan jaman membuat mungkin orang-orang sudah lebih nyaman memakai suara piano dari XPS30, yang mana tentunya lebih terdengar asli, lebar, bersih & warm. Untuk electric piano XP30 pun begitu khususnya tipe Rhodes, velocity nya terdengar flat saja beda dengan XPS30 yang dynamic nya lebih nyata, tapi untuk sound piano FM di XP30 masih terdengar tebal & lebar bahkan dibandingkan versi XPS30 nya. Dari kategori itu masih bisa lah disebut bersaing 😁 keduanya juga punya fitur bisa expansi, kalau di XP30 via card fisik bertipe SRJV Expansion Board (bisa memuat 2 card dari sekian banyak serinya) sedangkan di XPS30 via flashdisk yang mana sound list tambahan tersebut dapat di download di situs Roland Axial (ada banyak sound bank disitu, tapi yang bisa di loading pada user bank hanya 1) Kesimpulan : kalau mau pake Roland XP30 sebagai sumber suara piano sebaiknya jangan, lebih baik XPS30. Kecuali kita mau gunakan sebagai orchestra, synthe, brass, dan lain-lain masih ok & sangat berguna. Please klik like, komen & subscribe ya apabila dirasa berguna, thanks yang sudah menyaksikan! 👍 Hello, back with me @Ochi Salat & we will compare the sound of the piano from 2 keyboards that have the same name but 20 years different in generation, namely Roland XP30 (1999) & XPS30 (2019) 😊 For sure the sound of this Roland brand piano is reliable, well known, and has its own fans, only because the years of manufacture are quite far apart so it is certain for the new generation that the XPS30 has got the latest built in piano samples compared to the XP30 piano sound. The XP30's piano sound, which was taken from the Roland JV1080/2080 generation, was very popular in its time and was heard in many recording productions, but since times have changed, it does sound outdated, so people may be more comfortable using the XPS30's piano sound, which is certainly more audible. original, wide, clean & warm. Even for the XP30 electric piano, especially the Rhodes type, the velocity sounds flat, different from the XPS30 whose dynamics are more real, but for the FM piano sound on the XP30 it still sounds thick & wide even compared to the XPS30 version. From that category, it can still be called competing both of them also have the feature of being able to expand, if on XP30 via a physical card of the SRJV Expansion Board type (can load 2 cards from many series) while on XPS30 via flash disk where the additional sound list can be downloaded on the Roland Axial site (there are many sound banks there, but only 1 can be loaded on the user bank) Conclusion: if you want to use Roland XP30 as a piano sound source, you shouldn't, it's better the XPS30. Unless we want to use it as an orchestra, synthe, brass, etc. are still ok & very useful. Please click like, comment & subscribe if you find it useful, thanks for watching! 👍 #rolandxps30 #rolandxp30 #pianocompare #keyboardcompare #pianoreview #synthreview #synthcompare #roland #ochisalat #synthesizer #rolandkeyboard #keyboardreview #keyboardplayer #keyboardist #musisi #pemusik #musisiindonesia #musisijakarta #pemusikjakarta #musician #musicianlife
