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礼佛大忏悔文 Li Fo Da Chan Hui Wen Eighty eight Buddhas Great Repentance 6 лет назад

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礼佛大忏悔文 Li Fo Da Chan Hui Wen Eighty eight Buddhas Great Repentance

《礼佛大忏悔文》是请大慈大悲的观世音菩萨帮助我们忏悔和消除身上前世和今生的业障,是向诸佛忏悔的大经。其中的一种功能适合:忏悔过去生中所造的业障。如感情上伤害过他人,几十年积下的冤仇,孽障,曾对菩萨不敬、损坏菩萨画像雕像等。 每天功课:一般一遍至七遍,宜每天念诵直至百年。晚上10点之后至凌晨5点之间不宜念诵。 念《礼佛大忏悔文》之前可以祈求“请大慈大悲的观世音菩萨保佑我XXX(您的名字),帮助我忏悔和消除身上(或某个部位)的业障,保佑我身体健康,开智慧”。 注意事项:在念《礼佛大忏悔文》的过程中,如果感觉身体某个部位不舒服、有病痛感,那是孽障被激活变成了灵性,是好事,现在发出来,比晚年生恶病要好。一般可以念4-7张“小房子”,病痛厉害者,请再多念几张,直到身体感觉舒服为止。 【有关礼佛大忏悔文搭配小房子的数量问题】 听众:我们现在念礼佛大忏悔文,原来说没有特殊情况,一般念两三张小房子一个星期就够了。礼佛大忏悔文有的人每天念2遍,或者3遍、5遍、7遍,是不是一定要规定2遍一个星期要多少张小房子,3遍多少,5遍多少,7遍多少小房子?有没有具体规定? 台长答:基本上你如果念2遍的话,你必须要念小房子,一个星期要烧小房子;3遍也是差不多,总归一个星期要烧三四张吧;如果你到5遍了,那你必须规定自己要有3张以上;如果到了7遍的话,那你必须一个星期几乎要5张小房子。 ------Wenda20141102B 19:56 请点击    • 有关礼佛大忏悔文搭配小房子的数量问题 ~  心灵法门   怎么判断自己身上有无灵性?——《玄学问答 四》 问:因为我们在大陆不一定能打通台长的电话来看图腾进而解决灵性的问题,所以想问台长当我们自身有什么样的感觉时就可以不用再念小房子了?只需要做好每天的自我修行,不再需要超度灵性了? 答: -如果自己念经时有头痛的反应(平时没有头痛,只有念经时有),那就是您的要经者给您的感应,要念小房子,(可以念7张小房子,抬头写自己名字的要经者)。 -如果自己做梦做到过世的亲人或朋友,就最好念小房子给他们(每位7张) -如果生病,像发烧,一般都是有要经者,也是7张给自己名字的要经者。 -如果平时容易发无名火,莫名其妙的与人争执,可以先念4-7张小房子给自己名字的要经者。 -如果家里、厨房里有怪声音,电视机、灯自动开关(不是坏了),就要给自己名字的房子的要经者4-7张小房子。 -如果自己这一段时间非常倒霉,就念4张小房子给自己的要经者。 在每天念3-7遍《礼佛大忏悔文》的基础下,可以每星期念3张左右的小房子给自己名字的要经者。 需要念小房子时最主要是看自己的灵感。如果感觉需要就可以念2张以上。如果以上情况念了小房子后不能彻底解决,需要继续再加2-4张。 其他时间如果诸事顺利,身体健康,美梦连绵就最好不要念太多的小房子。 ====== Recitation of Li Fo Ta Chan Hui Wen, or the Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance in English, is one of the greatest repentance sutras. By reciting it, you are sincerely seeking the help of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, including Guan Yin Bodhisattva to repent and cease karmic obstacles due to negative karmas from the past and present lives. Some of its great powers include: repenting negative karmas created during past and present lives; seeking forgiveness from someone you have hurt in past relationships; resolving long-term conflicts; and repenting inappropriate actions such as being disrespectful to Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, or damaging statues or images of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas. For Daily Recitation: Generally once and up to 7 times per day. It is suitable for reciting everyday until the end of life, and can be recited day or night. Prayer: Before reciting this sutra, you can say your prayer or wish as follows, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, help me to repent and eliminate karmic obstacles due to negative karmas in <the body or parts of the body>, grant me good health and great wisdom.” Note: After reciting the Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance, if you feel soreness or discomfort in any part of your body, it means that the negative karmas have been activated and transformed into foreign spirits. This is a good signal. You can deal with it now, which is better than waiting for it to emerge as a serious illness later in life. You should recite 4 or 7 Little Houses and address them to the “Karmic Creditor of <your full name>”. If the pain is severe, recite more Little Houses until you feel better. ====== 卢军宏台长的博客 : Official English Website: Multi-language Website多语言网址 : 卢台长邮箱:[email protected] Recitation Audio with Scripts (words) 经文教念版音频 : YOU TUBE channel (English Version)    / andywin08   Online eBooks 心灵法门电子书籍: 微官网: Email Address (管理员) 电邮:[email protected] ✿“祈求观世音菩萨保佑所有看到这篇文章/视频/录音的人能够消业障、开智慧;如果有不如理不如法的地方,请观世音菩萨原谅。”
