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Скачать с ютуб Fallen Ink 落墨 深夜钢琴1小时 Relaxing Piano BGM🌙 |【The Sword & The Brocade】【锦心似玉】片尾曲|528Hz в хорошем качестве

Fallen Ink 落墨 深夜钢琴1小时 Relaxing Piano BGM🌙 |【The Sword & The Brocade】【锦心似玉】片尾曲|528Hz 3 года назад

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Fallen Ink 落墨 深夜钢琴1小时 Relaxing Piano BGM🌙 |【The Sword & The Brocade】【锦心似玉】片尾曲|528Hz

【The Sword & The Brocade】ending song, "Fallen Ink", beautiful relaxing piano BGM arrangement. Originally by Wallace Chung. Recorded in 528Hz. Accompany you for sleep, work and study. 优美的【落墨】深夜钢琴版。【锦心似玉】片尾曲,原唱钟汉良。抒情音乐【落墨】1小时陪伴你。以 528Hz 录制。 For more soothing BGMs, consider Subscribe 🙂 👉 : 欢迎订阅频道!我会继续为您制作更多 好听背景音乐 😉 👉 明朝年间,庶女罗十一娘(谭松韵饰)虽地位卑微却极有主见,认为女子眼光不应局限于内宅格局,她希望能凭靠精湛的刺绣技艺争取所向往的自由人生。意外嫁给永平侯大将军徐令宜(钟汉良饰)后,她用乐观积极的心态对待身边的每一个人,依靠努力收获徐家上下的信任,重新执掌中馈。徐令宜被十一娘的种种美好品性而吸引,继而为之动心。两人几经周折情愫暗生,先婚后爱相知相许。在丈夫的支持下,十一娘开绣坊仙绫阁,努力传承刺绣技艺。而永平侯徐令宜,为维护家国安宁,改善民生,力挺开放海禁,经历重重困难。在徐家面临抄家灭族的滔天巨祸之时,夫妻齐心合力化解危局,成功护徐氏一族周全,最终促成开放海禁,至此海上贸易繁荣昌盛,沿海百姓安居乐业。夫妻二人情投意合,相信彼此,坚持所爱,一起面对人生风雨,书写了属于他们的传奇人生。 Born a concubine’s daughter, Shi Yi Niang (Tan Song Yun) was very well aware of her low status and lack of social connections. However, her low rank never once stopped her from speaking her mind or pursuing her dreams. Believing women should be free to pursue a life outside the home, Yi Niang hoped to someday use her embroidery skills to secure her freedom. But destiny had something else in store for her. With the once esteemed Luo family now in a shocking state of decline, the only hope for salvation must come through an advantageous marriage alliance. Selected to be her family’s savior, Yi Niang is promised to a great general, the Yongping Duke, Xu Ling Yi (Wallace Chung). Now the wife of a man she hardly knows, Yi Niang finds herself entering an unfamiliar and unfriendly world. Scorned by the Xu family, Yi Niang must use every ounce of her strength to win their trust without betraying her own dreams. Facing challenges on every side, Yi Niang and Ling Yi come to realize they have an ally in each other. Learning to depend on each other, an unexpected love begins to bloom, their strengthening relationship giving each a renewed strength to face the challenges ahead. But will their combined strength be enough to save the Xu family from impending ruin? Adapted from the novel, “The Concubine-born Daughter’s Strategies” by Zhi Zhi, “The Sword and the Brocade” is a 2021 historical romance drama directed by Wen De Guang. 【落墨】 歌词 / "Drop Ink" Lyrics: 叹子夜 凉如墨 The midnight is as cold as ink 谁提笔 画寂寞 Who's drawing loneliness? 这一生 画遍漂泊 In this life, I've painted all ups and downs 唯有相思 难临摹 Except the feeling on longing, it's hard to draw 山城等雨落 The mountains are waiting for the rain 我等你 回忆中经过 I'm waiting for you to pass by in my memory 看天色 Looking at the sky 比你脸色更 落寞 It looks more sad than your face 风起又摇烛火 The blowing wind shakes the candle light 岁月冷 衣衫薄 Years are cold, clothes are thin 看命运 一路曲折 Life is full of ups and downs 而缘分 始终不说 But fate is never spoken 心事研成墨 What's in my heart has turned to ink 却画不出你的轮廓 But I can't outline your feature 这纸墨 This paper and ink 要怎么写尽 你我 Can they write all our stories 谁提笔 Who holds the pen 又引思念平地起风波 And causes chaos on the surface 谁来过 Who's been here 又惹往事在心里颠簸 And caused memories to fumble in my heart 若深情 可念不可说 If true love can be longed for but not spoken 结局我不躲 I can't shy away from the ending 你的灯火阑珊处 有我 I'm still at the twilight waiting for you 谁提笔 Who holds the pen 挑起孤单泪眼寄婆娑 Picking up loneliness and tears in the eyes 谁来过 Who's been here 唯你耗尽我一生笔墨 And only you have used up my lifetime of script 若飞蛾 不曾扑过火 If the moth had never gone for the fire 怎么谈执着 How could it talk about stubbornness 你的故事尽头处 是我 At the ending of your story, there is me 风起又摇烛火 The blowing wind shakes the candle light 岁月冷 衣衫薄 Years are cold, clothes are thin 看命运 一路曲折 The life is full of ups and downs 而缘分 始终不说 But fate is never spoken 心事研成墨 What's in my heart has turned to ink 却画不出你的轮廓 But I can't outline your feature 这纸墨 This paper and ink 要怎么写尽 你我 Can they write all our stories 谁提笔 Who lifts the pen 又引思念平地起风波 And causes chaos on the surface 谁来过 Who's been here 又惹往事在心里颠簸 And caused memories to fumble in my heart 若深情 可念不可说 If true love can be longed for but not spoken 结局我不躲 I won't shy away from the ending 你的灯火阑珊处 有我 I'm still at the twilight waiting for you 谁提笔 Who lifts the pen 挑起孤单泪眼寄婆娑 Picking up loneliness and tears in the eyes 谁来过 Who's been here 唯你耗尽我一生笔墨 And only you have used up my lifetime of script 若飞蛾 不曾扑过火 If the moth had never gone for the fire 怎么谈执着 How could it talk about stubbornness 你的故事尽头处 是我 At the ending of your story, there is me Image credit to Free-Photos from #theswordandthebrocade #锦心似玉 #钟汉良 #落墨
