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Скачать с ютуб Как собирать миллионы драконовых фруктов - Потрясающая азиатская сельская хозяйственная в хорошем качестве

Как собирать миллионы драконовых фруктов - Потрясающая азиатская сельская хозяйственная 1 год назад

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Как собирать миллионы драконовых фруктов - Потрясающая азиатская сельская хозяйственная

#harvest #dragonfruit #farming #agriculturetechnology #harvestingtechnology #joyfarm Good to see you, my friend. Today, we're going to take an incredible journey through the heart of Asia, where we'll witness the fascinating process of dragon fruit harvesting and processing. We start our journey in a lush, tropical fruit farm, where the vibrant green of the dragon fruit trees stands out against the bright blue sky. As we take in the picturesque landscape, we're greeted by the hardworking farmers who tend to these plants. Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos enjoy, see you later my friend! All content is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, provided that proper attribution is given and any of these conditions can be waived upon request. If you (the copyright holder) wish to have this material removed, please contact us directly before taking any action. We will honor your request for removal.
