袪褍褋褋泻懈械 胁懈写械芯

小械泄褔邪褋 胁 褌褉械薪写械

袠薪芯褋褌褉邪薪薪褘械 胁懈写械芯

小泻邪褔邪褌褜 褋 褞褌褍斜 RCCS Williamsburg Dinner, 5/2/2017 ft. Motty Illowitz, Shira choir and Avrum Chaim Green 胁 褏芯褉芯褕械屑 泻邪褔械褋褌胁械

RCCS Williamsburg Dinner, 5/2/2017 ft. Motty Illowitz, Shira choir and Avrum Chaim Green 7 谢械褌 薪邪蟹邪写

袝褋谢懈 泻薪芯锌泻懈 褋泻邪褔懈胁邪薪懈褟 薪械 蟹邪谐褉褍蟹懈谢懈褋褜 袧袗袞袦袠孝袝 袟袛袝小鞋 懈谢懈 芯斜薪芯胁懈褌械 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑褍
袝褋谢懈 胁芯蟹薪懈泻邪褞褌 锌褉芯斜谢械屑褘 褋芯 褋泻邪褔懈胁邪薪懈械屑, 锌芯卸邪谢褍泄褋褌邪 薪邪锌懈褕懈褌械 胁 锌芯写写械褉卸泻褍 锌芯 邪写褉械褋褍 胁薪懈蟹褍 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑褘.
小锌邪褋懈斜芯 蟹邪 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹芯胁邪薪懈械 褋械褉胁懈褋邪 savevideohd.ru

RCCS Williamsburg Dinner, 5/2/2017 ft. Motty Illowitz, Shira choir and Avrum Chaim Green

讚讬谞注专 专讜驻讗 讞讜诇讬诐 讙' 讗讞"拽 转砖注"讝, 注讟专转 讗讘专讛诐 讜讜讬诇讬讗诪住讘讜专讙, 注"讬 诪讗讟讬 讗讬诇讗讜讜讬讟砖, 讗讘专讛诐 讞讬讬诐 讙专讬谉 讗讜谉 砖讬专讛 讘讻诇 爪注专 讜爪注专 讗谞讬 注诪讛诐 Song Written and Composed by Motty Illowitz Adult Soloist: Motty Illowitz Child Soloist: Avrum Chaim Green Adult Choir: The Shira Choir Audio/Video: Stellar Productions 718-278-2787 Motty Illowitz, Avrum Chaim Green, with The Shira Choir led by Yoely Horowitz Accompanied by a Child Soloist Avrum Chaim Green at the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS) Dinner in the Ateres Avrum Hall in Williamsburg May, 2 2017
