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Скачать с ютуб 20+ Years of Keanu Reeves & Chad Stahelski (Chad/Keanu 真相是真) в хорошем качестве

20+ Years of Keanu Reeves & Chad Stahelski (Chad/Keanu 真相是真) 4 года назад

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20+ Years of Keanu Reeves & Chad Stahelski (Chad/Keanu 真相是真)

Love them so much! Best wishes to John Wick: Chapter 4. __________ A crude English translation of the lyrics: 我给你看那几年青春再简陋潦草 却始终让我沉迷 I'll show you those tough and hasty years of youth, which I am always addicted to. 我身边只他一个 却敢去没天光的 疯狂梦境 He was the only one with me, giving me the courage to chase the crazy dream without daylight. 是他陪我流血破皮 陪我失眠时交换着回忆 He's the one who bled with me. He's the one who exchanged memories with me when I lost sleep. 也因他才成就我 换别人就失去结局 And because of him, I am who I am now. It won't be the same if it was anyone else. 没繁花红毯的少年时代里 In the days of youth without fabulous bouquets or red carpet, 若不是他我怎么走过 籍籍无名 How could I get through all these as a nobody without him? 我真的陪他淋过大雨 真陪他冬季夏季 I really accompanied him through the rains. Really accompanied him through winters and summers. 真的与他拥抱黑暗里 真牵过他的手臂 Really hugged him in the dark. Really held him by the arm. 我共他飞过地球万里 也一起熬梦想朝不保夕 I flew thousands of miles around the world with him, crawl towards dreams with him, struggled through every day with him. 曾躲进了长街寂静 We once hid in the silence of the long street. 承诺只去有对方的 前程似锦 Promised to have a bright future with each other in it. 那些被窥探到的所谓温柔证据 其实不过万分之一 The so-called pieces of evidence of tenderness caught on camera, Are merely the tip of the iceberg. 在无人的角落里 有更多浪漫秘密 In the deserted corner, Hidden more romantic secrets. 世人猜测真的假的不信宿命 People are guessing it's true or false, do not believe in destiny. 可我早把他安排进 全部余生里 However, I've long ago placed him in the plan, For the rest of my life. 我真的陪他聊到黎明 真的同他最默契 I really stayed up with him till the dawn. Really resonate with him in the soul. 真的记得他所有怪癖 真的最害怕分离 Really remember all his weird habits. Really most afraid of leaving him. 我也想把爱宣之于口 也时常对未来心怀侥幸 I also want to announce my love. Also constantly want to push my luck for the future. 希望能得世界允许 坦荡一次喊他姓名 再说爱意 Wish the world would let me, To say his name and my love for him aloud. 关于他我有太多的勇气 I have so much courage for him. 都是真的好梦不醒 These are really beautiful dreams that wouldn't wake up. 我真的有过思念成疾 I really got lovesick for him. 真的爱看他背影 Really love watching him from behind. 真的为他有盔甲坚硬 Really worn plate armor for him. 真的吻过他侧颈 Really kissed him on the side of his neck. 我们曾在高朋满座中 We were once amongst a crowd of people, 将隐晦爱意说到最尽兴 Expressing the hidden love to the fullest. 可我只看向他眼底 Yet the only thing I could do was looking into his eyes. 而千万人欢呼什么 我不关心 What were those thousands of people cheering for, I couldn't care a bit. 我想告诉你相爱太难了 但少年一瞬动心就永远动心 I want to tell you that falling in love is so hard, But the crush in the youth never fades. 别去管流言蜚语 这爱请一直相信 Ignore the rumors. It's true love. Please always believe in.
