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无花果叶的作用.Health Benefits of fig leaf. Daun Tin dan manfaatnya.

药名:无花果叶   性味:甘微辛,平,有小毒。 无花果叶含呋喃香豆素、黄酮、果胶、树脂、糖类和维生素C等。     功效:解毒消肿、行气止痛、清湿热、解疮毒、消肿止痛   主治:痔疮、肿毒、心痛、湿热泄泻、带下   用法用量:内服:煎汤,9-15g。外用:适量,煎水熏洗。   药材基源:无花果叶是桑科植物无花果的叶。    无花果叶的作用:   1、无花果叶治外痔:鲜无花果叶若干,水煎后趁热熏洗患处,每日两次,每次20分钟。一般一次可止痛,3--5次痔核开始萎缩。   2、无花果叶治小儿吐泻:鲜无花果叶不拘量,水煎后洗双足足心。每日3次。亦可用毛巾蘸煎液热敷双侧涌泉穴。每日3次,每次5--10分。   3、无花果叶治心痛,煎汤服。《救荒本草》   4、无花果叶治干脚气:取无花果叶数片,加水煮10分钟左右,待水温合适时,泡洗患足10分钟,每日2次。   5、无花果叶去湿热,解疮毒。《本草汇言》   6、无花果叶含有光敏性物质,医学上用无花果叶治疗白癜风。   7、无花果叶治脱肛:鲜无花果叶若干,水煎后洗患处。每日两次,每次10分钟。洗后立即将脱出部分托入肛门内,再用毛巾蘸药液热敷肛门10分钟。2--4天。   8、无花果叶治五痔肿痛,煎汤频熏洗之。(朱震亨)   9、无花果叶治误食鱼蟹类中毒,腹痛,呕吐:无花果鲜嫩叶,洗净捣烂绞汁,每次温开水和服半杯。 土人参( 栌兰 ) ~功效与作用 . ( Talinum paniculatum ) BENEFITS OF Jewels of Opar。Manfaat GINSENG JAWA.    • 土人参( 栌兰 ) ~功效与作用 .   (  Talinum panic...   苋菜的作用和功效。Health of benefits of amaranth leaves。Bayam merah.    • 苋菜的作用和功效。Health of benefits of amaran...   龍豆, (四角豆)的功效。Health benefits of Winged bean .Khasiat Kacang Botol    • 龍豆, (四角豆)的功效。Health benefits of Winge...   蕃薯葉 (地瓜葉)太好了,恨不得早点知道 ! .Health benefits of Sweet potato leaves.ubi jalar    • 蕃薯葉 (地瓜葉)太好了,恨不得早点知道 ! .Health benefi...   感谢每一个您!送您第二个难生病的秘方!Thank you all subscriber.    • 感谢每一个您!送您第二个难生病的秘方!Thank you all subs...   In the book of the prophet Muhammad SAW say that Fig Fruit cans Treat wounds, ulcers, bird flu, ulcers, disorders of menstrual circulation in women and burns.According to experts Biology of the can of Ficus species there are 700 species, scattered throughout the world. In the Legend of Buddha. Buddha achieved enlightenment under the bodhi tree, a large and old sacred fig tree (Ficus religiosa, or Pipal).Many people have heard about goodness of the fig Fruit. But many do not know the usefulness of fig leaves.Today I Iwant to tell you the benefits of fig leaves. Fig leaves contain furocoumarin, flavonoids, pectin, resins, sugars and vitamin C.Traditional Chinese believe that fig leaves can Detoxification, reduce swelling, reduce heat of body temperature. In the folk medicine It use to treat Hemorrhoids ,reduce swelling, relief throat,Heart Disease Risk, Diarrhea.Fig leaves It contains medicinal ingredients such as oxalic acid, malic acid and succinic acid, which are natural anticancer substances. Usually, the leaves of the figs are eaten as vegetables, and they can also play an important role in slimming and slimming. Because the fig leaves are rich in hydrolase and lipase, they can accelerate the decomposition and metabolism of fat in the human body. Take 10 gram of dry Fig leaves, boil with water .Drink like tea can everyday ,can treat jaundice and can reduce fat in the body and Heart Disease Risk.
