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2024年屬牛犯太歲如何化解,應該如何化解和旺運的詳解。如果您是屬牛的朋友,那麼您一定要注意了,因為2024年是龍年,屬牛與屬龍二者形成相破,也是五行裡彼此相斥的一種現象,屬於犯太歲中的破太歲。這意味著您在這一年裡會遇到各種不順利的事情,比如人際關係不和睦、事業上無法得到升職加薪、財富上容易破財、感情上容易產生爭吵等等。那麼,您該如何化解太歲的影響呢?在這個視頻裡,我將為您介紹一些簡單有效的方法,比如利用躲春法來避禍、穿紅衣來驅邪化煞、拜太歲來提升運勢等等。通過這些方法,您可以減少太歲對您的不利影響,讓您在龍年更加平順。如果您想知道更多詳情,請繼續觀看我的視頻,並記得點贊和訂閱我的頻道。謝謝! A detailed explanation of how to resolve and prosper the 2024 bull offender Taisui. If you are a friend of the Ox, then you must pay attention, because 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, where the Ox and the Dragon form a phenomenon of mutual opposition in the Five Elements. It belongs to the phenomenon of breaking Tai Sui in the Year of Offense. This means that you will encounter various unfavorable situations throughout the year, such as disharmony in interpersonal relationships, inability to receive promotions and salary increases in your career, easy financial ruin, and emotional disputes. So, how can you resolve the influence of Tai Sui? In this video, I will introduce you to some simple and effective methods, such as using the Spring Avoidance Technique to avoid disasters, wearing red clothes to dispel evil spirits, and worshipping Tai Sui to enhance luck. Through these methods, you can reduce the adverse effects of Tai Sui on you and make your Dragon Year smoother. If you would like to know more details, please continue watching my video and remember to give likes and subscribe to my channel. Thank you! #屬牛 #犯太歲 #化解 #龍年 #避祸 #運勢 #躲春 #拜太歲 #紅衣 #紅繩 ----------------------------------- #佛語 #佛門因果 #運勢 Tag:佛語 - YouTube, 運程2023, 2023 生肖 , 佛語, 農曆新年, 地藏經, 佛禪 , 佛說, 佛教, 語錄 , 2023運程, 算命, 子平八字, 生肖, 風水, 命理, 禁忌, 發財, 橫財, 事業運, 財運, 運勢, 故事, 八字,
