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明成祖永樂帝 - 朱棣MV 剪輯(Yongle Emperor) 6 лет назад

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明成祖永樂帝 - 朱棣MV 剪輯(Yongle Emperor)

馬上天子 永樂大帝朱棣MV - 真英雄 朱棣(1360年5月2日-1424年8月12日),即明成祖(1402年-1424年在位),明太祖第四子,明朝第三位皇帝,年號永樂,故後人稱其為永樂帝、永樂大帝、永樂皇帝等。 朱棣生於應天府(今南京),明朝建立後被封為燕王。在老家鳳陽時對民情頗有所知。就藩北平(今北京)之後,多次受命參預北方軍事活動,兩次率師北征,加強了他在北方軍隊中的影響。建文帝即位後採取削藩政策,不僅監視朱棣, 還欲調走他的軍隊,朱棣發動靖難之役,起兵攻打建文帝 。 1402年在南京稱帝。 朱棣在位時,政治上改革機構,設置內閣;對外五次親征漠北,收復安南,並於東北設奴兒乾都司,在西北置哈密衛,在西南置大古刺、底馬撒、底兀刺等宣慰司,又設貴州承宣布政使司,鞏固了南北邊防,維護了中國版圖的完整;多次派鄭和下西洋,加強對南海的經營;還命人編修《永樂大典》,疏浚大運河。 1421年遷都北京 ,對強化明朝的統治起到了非常積極的作用。在他統治期間明朝經濟繁榮、國力強盛,文治武功都有了很大提升,史稱永樂盛世。 朱棣駕崩後諡號體天弘道高明廣運聖武神功純仁至孝文皇帝,廟號太宗,葬於長陵。 1538年,明世宗改謚為啟天弘道高明肇運聖武神功純仁至孝文皇帝,改上廟號為成祖。與明太祖合稱為“明朝二祖” 。 歷史評價: 萬斯同:“帝剛果善斷,能決大謀。用兵常以少擊眾,開闔如神。身先士卒所向克捷。知人善任,使士有一藝輒錄用,弗遺與臣下語。表里洞達,無識芥之嫌,不侈禎祥。每謹災變水旱饑饉賑恤如弗及以故六軍數出,工役繁興與而民不至困敝。在位二十二年,勵精勤政,威德遠被。窮荒絕域,受朝命修職數十國,其建司置衛,設官世守者以千百計,有明功烈於斯為盛矣。” 《劍橋中國明代史·下卷》:明成祖被公認為一個多智多謀和精力充沛的征戰者,通過他的征剿和對外的遠征,他完善了開國皇帝的豐功偉績,並使明朝的力量和影響達到了頂峰。他被譽為一個有乾勁和獻身精神的統治者,他恢復了儒家治國之術和重新建立起古代的政制;他又被譽為一個把帝國南北兩部分統一起來從而為王朝奠定新基礎的人。 孟森:“明成祖以馬上得天下,既篡大位,遂移其武力以對外,凡五徵漠北,皆親歷行陣,假使建文承襲祖業,必不能有此。此明一代之侈言國威者無不歸功於永樂之世也。”;“明成祖朱棣是歷史上爭議頗大的一位帝王,他立有不世之功,創造了明初盛世,但他好大喜功,多疑好殺,手上沾滿了鮮血。總體來說是功大於過。 那珂通世:昔漢武、唐宗者,雖屢破北狄,但均係遣大將而非親征。漢人天子遠渡沙漠者,唯明成祖一人。 The Yongle Emperor (Yung-lo in Wade–Giles; 2 May 1360 – 12 August 1424), personal name Zhu Di (WG: Chu Ti), was the third emperor of the Ming dynasty in China, reigning from 1402 to 1424. Zhu Di was the fourth son of the Hongwu Emperor, the founder of the Ming dynasty. He was originally enfeoffed as the Prince of Yan (燕王) in May 1370,[1] with the capital of his princedom at Beiping (modern Beijing). Amid the continuing struggle against the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty, Zhu Di consolidated his own power and eliminated rivals such as the general Lan Yu. He initially accepted his father's appointment of his eldest brother Zhu Biao and then his nephew Zhu Yunwen as crown prince, but when Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne as the Jianwen Emperor and began executing and demoting his powerful uncles, Zhu Di found pretext for rising in rebellion against his nephew.Assisted in large part by eunuchs mistreated by the Hongwu and Jianwen Emperors, who both favored the Confucian scholar-bureaucrats,[2] Zhu Di survived the initial attacks on his princedom and drove south to launch the Jingnan Campaign against the Jianwen Emperor in Nanjing. In 1402, he successfully overthrew his nephew and occupied the imperial capital, Nanjing, after which he was proclaimed Emperor and adopted the era name Yongle, which means "perpetual happiness". Eager to establish his own legitimacy, Zhu Di voided the Jianwen Emperor's reign and established a wide-ranging effort to destroy or falsify records concerning his childhood and rebellion.[1] This included a massive purge of the Confucian scholars in Nanjing[1] and grants of extraordinary extralegal authority to the eunuch secret police.[2] One favorite was Zheng He, who employed his authority to launch major voyages of exploration into the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. The difficulties in Nanjing also led the Yongle Emperor to re-establish Beiping (present-day Beijing) as the new imperial capital. He repaired and reopened the Grand Canal and, between 1406 and 1420, directed the construction of the Forbidden City. He was also responsible for the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing, considered one of the wonders of the world before its destruction by the Taiping rebels in 1856. As part of his continuing attempt to control the Confucian scholar-bureaucrats, the Yongle Emperor also greatly expanded the imperial examination system in place of his father's use of personal recommendation and appointment. These scholars completed the monumental Yongle Encyclopedia during his reign. The Yongle Emperor died while personally leading a military campaign against the Mongols. He was buried in the Changling Tomb, the central and largest mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty Tombs located north of Beijing. (转载)
