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Скачать с ютуб 1-3《瑜伽燄口施食全集》大詮法師 THE YOGA FLAMING MOUTH CEREMONY в хорошем качестве

1-3《瑜伽燄口施食全集》大詮法師 THE YOGA FLAMING MOUTH CEREMONY 13 лет назад

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《瑜伽焰口施食全集》大詮老法師 主法 臺北圓通學會 『法樂奏無生之曲,梵音演最上之宗。』 瑜伽竺國。此番相應。為密部總名。謂手結密印。口誦真言。意專觀想。身與口協。口語意符。意與身會。三業相應。故曰瑜伽。焰口者。因阿難尊者發起。文中已載不貲。夫利濟幽冥者。為戍亥二時。過此則鬼神不得食。乃虛廷時刻。而無實巧。蓋行者作法。須道行高隆。精研熟練。方能自利利他。不然羅咎弗少。徒勞無功。則不取也。梵唄一學。普行眾生。諸方禪林。焰口唱誦。靜室應酬。大同小異。古今大德。頗為重視。瑜伽焰口。施食法門。功德之大。最為殊勝。如今各地。除禪林外。學無師門。傳授非易。故以光碟。錄製一套。尚祈師友。惠於拍正。為便初學。有志研習。易於了然。僅供參巧。若日流通。則又豈敢。時在。癸未年新春。臺北圓通學會。釋大詮時齡八十。 大詮老法師年譜 THE YOGA FLAMING MOUTH CEREMONY Background When Ananda was dwelling in tranquil solitude, one night in the third watch he saw a hungry ghost named Flaming Mouth who had a ghastly, terrifying appearance: his body was decrepit, his mouth was flaming, his throat was thin as a needle's tip, his hair was disheveled, and he had long fangs and claws. The ghost told Ananda, "Your life will end in three days, and you will be reborn among the hungry ghosts." Upon hearing this, Ananda was greatly alarmed, and the hairs on his body stood on end. Early the next morning, he went to tell the Buddha what he had seen and asked for instruction. The Buddha told him that limitlessly many kalpas ago, Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva Mahasattva had obtained a dharma called "The Dharani Dharma of the Thus Come One of Limitless Awesome Virtue, Liberation and Brightness." If this Dharani Dharma is performed seven times, it can transform one bit of food into all kinds of food and drink of sweet dew, which can satisfy the hunger of as many hungry ghosts as the sands in limitless Ganges Rivers. They will all be filled with unlimited supremely wonderful food and drink, obtain the fruition of sagehood, and be released from their suffering bodies. Upholding this Dharani Dharma will increase your blessings, wisdom, and lifespan. The hungry ghosts will be able to be reborn in the heavens or the Pure Land, or obtain the body of a human or god. The donor will be able to avert hindrances and calamities, lengthen life, and obtain superior blessings in the present. In the future he will realize Bodhi, bring forth a great resolve, and make a universal, unlimited offering to all sentient beings, parents of lives in many kalpas past, beings in the hells and the ghostly realms, and all sentient beings, down to the smallest bug. All who come to the assembly will, by the Buddha's awesome light, obtain its supreme benefits and receive human and heavenly bliss. The Meaning of the Flaming Mouth Ceremony "Yoga" is a Sanskrit word meaning "response." It is a general term for the Secret Division. Briefly speaking, the hand performs secret mudras, the mouth recites true words, the mind concentrates on contemplation, and thus the three karmas of body, mouth and mind mutually respond and unite. The Purpose of the Ceremony and Those Who Come For Food and Drink The Flaming Mouth Ceremony is held for hungry ghosts; When they die and become ghosts they have no way to eat. They cannot enjoy the food when it comes Thus there are beings in the human realm With kind and compassionate minds Who prepare food and drink to offer to them All who come to this ceremony Are beings of the ghostly path. Men, women, and children, The elderly, the feeble, and the sick, Those who drowned or shot, or died prematurely, Those who died as soldiers in battle, All those who cannot be reborn, And are wandering in their spiritual bodies May all come to join this Dharma assembly To eat their fill and cast off greed and stupidity.
