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Everbest: Lesson 46 - BOTH, NEITHER, EITHER, ALL, NONE [O'zbek tilida]

🌱Kanalni moddiy qo'llab-quvvatlang: Ushbu videoda sizlarga both, neither, either so'zlarining to'g'ri ishlatilishi va farqini tushuntirib beraman. Bulardan tashqari siz all va none so'zlari haqida ham to'liqroq ma'lumot olishingiz mumkin. Shunday qilib, videoni oxirigacha tomosha qiling! 0:00 - intro 00:47 - both 02:04 - neither 05:12 - either 08:52 - all 09:59 - none Prepositions (Unit 14) • attitude towards/to sb/sth -- munosabat • be aware of sth -- ...dan ogoh bo'lmoq • care about sb/sth -- ...qayg'urmoq • care for sb/sth -- g'amxo'rlik qilmoq; yaxshi ko'rmoq • take care of sb/sth -- g'amxo'rlik qilmoq; hal etmoq • be capable of doing sth -- ...qilishga qodir bo'lmoq • consist of sth -- ...dan iborat bo'lmoq • difference between -- o'rtasidagi farq • insist on sth -- talab qilmoq • cause of sth -- sabab Phrasal verbs (Unit 14) • take after sb -- kimgadir o'xshamoq (ko'rinish yoki xarakter jihatdan) • take away -- olib tashlamoq, ayirmoq • take down -- yozib olmoq (SYN write down, put down, jot down) • take off -- 1) (kiyimni) yechmoq (OPP put on) 2) ko'tarilmoq, uchmoq (samolyotga nisbatan) • take sb out -- kimnidir restoranga yoki biror joyga olib bormoq • take over -- o'rnini egallamoq • take up -- (yangi xobbi, sport, kasb) boshlamoq (OPP give up) GrammarWay 3 kitobini elektron ko'rinishida yuklab oling: Mashqlar: Facebook:   / everbestedu   Instagram:   / everbestedu   Telegram:
