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Скачать с ютуб 廣州最大市場!大買特買!2人消費50元!飽到傻!最便宜煲仔飯!16元一大煲!美食旅遊推薦!交通路線!排骨煲仔飯!豬雜湯!牛肉飯!午餐!餐廳大排長龍!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou в хорошем качестве

廣州最大市場!大買特買!2人消費50元!飽到傻!最便宜煲仔飯!16元一大煲!美食旅遊推薦!交通路線!排骨煲仔飯!豬雜湯!牛肉飯!午餐!餐廳大排長龍!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou 13 часов назад

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廣州最大市場!大買特買!2人消費50元!飽到傻!最便宜煲仔飯!16元一大煲!美食旅遊推薦!交通路線!排骨煲仔飯!豬雜湯!牛肉飯!午餐!餐廳大排長龍!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

成為此頻道的會員即可獲得以下福利:    / @huntingarcher   #廣州 #市場 #美食 餐廳名稱:芳村銘泰煲仔飯 餐廳地址:悅成路79號 GOOGLE MAP: 餐廳消費:排骨飯+豬雜湯 ¥26,榨菜牛肉飯 ¥23 ———————————— 芳村位於中國廣州市西南部,珠江西岸,水陸交通方便,是廣州西南部出口必經之地。中華人民共和國成立後,廣州市多次在此建立與撤銷芳村區,最近一次從2005年5月起,將其併入荔灣區。 該地原是荒涼的小島,北宋初年陸續有人自南海、番禺等地到此聚居,以捕魚為生,稱之荒村。後來居民種植花木,至明末清初,已花果遍地,遂改稱芳村(「荒村」與「芳村」在粵語中同音)。 芳村向來以花卉栽培而著稱,這裡有1700多年的種花歷史,是嶺南盆景的發祥地。所以芳村的另一個古稱就是“花埭(通花地)”,埭有堤壩的意思,字面理解就是花的堤堰。古代的花地涵蓋了原芳村區芳村街的一大片,明清說的「花地」其實就是指整個芳村。 芳村原是一片古海。秦始皇三十三年(前214年),芳村地區屬於南海郡。至明朝洪武二年(1369年),芳村分屬番禺縣、南海縣管理。民國26年(1937年),芳村陸續劃歸廣州市。 光緒三十二年(1906),廣州東堤一帶興建長堤馬路之後不久,祖籍廣東新寧(今台山)的僑商黃景棠以「家族合資」的形式,購置芳村白鵝潭邊大沙地、二沙地的大片地皮,在芳村上沖(今珠江隧道口)至芳村下衝(今芳村輪渡碼頭)興建長一公里有多的石砌長堤,據說建造時還以鉛汁灌縫。由於芳村長堤的建成,廣州城市出現了以白鵝潭為中心,荔灣、芳村、河南三足鼎立的格局。芳村的城市建設隨芳村長堤向縱深發展。 ———————————— Fangcun is located in the southwest of Guangzhou, China, on the west bank of the Pearl River. It has convenient water and land transportation and is the only way out of the southwest of Guangzhou. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Guangzhou has established and abolished Fangcun District many times. The most recent time was in May 2005, when it was incorporated into Liwan District. The place was originally a desolate island. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, people from Nanhai, Panyu and other places settled here and made a living by fishing. It was called Huangcun. Later, residents planted flowers and trees. By the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, flowers and fruits were everywhere, so it was renamed Fangcun ("Huangcun" and "Fangcun" are homophones in Cantonese). Fangcun has always been famous for its flower cultivation. It has a history of flower cultivation for more than 1,700 years and is the birthplace of Lingnan bonsai. Therefore, another ancient name of Fangcun is "Huadai (Tonghuadi)". Dai means dam, which literally means the dam of flowers. The ancient Huadi covered a large area of ​​Fangcun Street in the original Fangcun District. The "Huadi" mentioned in the Ming and Qing Dynasties actually refers to the entire Fangcun. Fangcun was originally an ancient sea. In the 33rd year of Emperor Qin Shihuang (214 BC), Fangcun area belonged to Nanhai County. In the second year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1369), Fangcun was under the management of Panyu County and Nanhai County. In the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), Fangcun was gradually transferred to Guangzhou City. In the 32nd year of Emperor Guangxu (1906), not long after the construction of the Changdi Road in the Dongdi area of ​​Guangzhou, Huang Jingtang, an overseas Chinese businessman whose ancestral home was Xinning, Guangdong (now Taishan), purchased a large area of ​​land in Dashadi and Ershadi by the Baietan Lake in Fangcun in the form of "family joint venture" and built a stone-built long embankment with a length of more than one kilometer from Fangcun Shangchong (now the entrance of the Pearl River Tunnel) to Fangcun Xiachong (now the Fangcun Ferry Terminal). It is said that lead was used to fill the seams during construction. Due to the completion of the Fangcun Long Dike, Guangzhou City has a pattern of three pillars with Baietan as the center, Liwan, Fangcun and Henan. The urban construction of Fangcun has developed in depth along with the Fangcun Long Dike. —————————— 更多精彩影片推薦: ★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★    • 開平!食遊記!最新樓價!三房兩廳 23萬!三日兩夜!想不到!特色美食!二人...   ★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★    • 【廣州漫步粵菜美食探店】三天兩夜!台山廣海鎮!食足一日海鮮!海鮮市場買海鮮...   ★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】中山美食游!33元一只!最有名石岐乳鸽味道如何?!...   ★中山最隱世漁村食海鮮★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】开车100公里!中山最隐世渔村食海鲜!市场海鲜街!...   ★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★    • 【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】广州最大海鲜市场!食海鲜必去!消费300元!巨满足...   —————————————————— Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:17 週末出發芳村覓食/大塞車/餐廳全部滿座 07:35 悅成路美食街/銘泰煲仔飯 13:33 排骨飯+豬雜湯/榨菜牛肉飯 26:37 芳村美食大推薦 28:58 西朗市場買菜/栗子/海鮮/牛肉丸 50:28 芝麻糊/羊城麵店 52:54 Ending —————————— #广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #市場 #煲仔飯 #美食 #旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #美食旅遊 #交通路線 #排骨煲仔飯 #豬雜湯 #牛肉飯 #午餐 #芳村 #西朗 #西朗市場 #cantonese vlog #food tourism #chinese food tour #china tour vlog #china tourist #china tour 2024 #china tourism video
