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靜夜星空/ 童年/ 光陰的故事-奧斯汀龍吟合唱團(Austin Chinese Choir) 11 лет назад

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靜夜星空/ 童年/ 光陰的故事-奧斯汀龍吟合唱團(Austin Chinese Choir)

奧斯汀龍吟合唱團十五週年演唱會 Austin Chinese Choir 15th Anniversary Concert April 27, 2013 7:30 pm at Hope Presbyterian Church 11512 Olson Drive, Austin TX 78750 合唱團指揮 : 謝全華 Conductor : Chung-Hwa Chen 鋼琴伴奏 : 魏嘉翔 Piano Accompanist : Eric Wei 小提琴伴奏 : 裴家宜 Violin Accompanist : Andrea Peir 靜夜星空 - Starry Sky in a Quiet Night 詞: 游彌堅 曲: William S. Hays 一陣大雨剛剛下過, 從那寂靜的天空, 向地上照下星光, 照下無限神秘星光, 四處無聲黑夜森森, 萬物睡在無言中, 滿空星座放出青光, 說出人們永遠的夢。 A shower just let up From the silent sky Stars shine upon the earth. The indefinitely mysterious starlight Everything is still in the cool dark night. All creatures sleep quietly. The stars in the sky shine softly. They tell the eternal dreams of mankind. 童年 - Childhood 詞/曲: 羅大佑 合唱編曲: 劉釗 池塘邊的榕樹上,知了在聲聲叫著夏天, 操場邊的鞦韆上,只有蝴蝶還停在上面。 黑板上老師的粉筆,還在拼命嘰嘰喳喳寫個不停,等待著夏天,等待著放學, 等待遊戲的童年。 沒有人知道為什麼,太陽總下到山的那一邊, 沒有人能夠告訴我,山裏面有沒有住著神仙。 多少的日子裏,總是一個人面對著天空發呆, 就這麼好奇,就這麼幻想,這麼孤單的童年。 一天又一天,一年又一年,迷迷糊糊的童年。 Cicadas call for summer in the banyan tree by the pond. There is only a butterfly on the swing by the playground. The teacher writes noisily and endlessly on the chalkboard. How I waited for summer and games in my childhood. No one knew why the sun always set behind the mountain. No one could tell me if there were fairies in the mountain. Day after day I daydreamed alone looking at the sky. How curious, fanciful, and lonely was my childhood. Day after day, year after year, my dreamy childhood. 光陰的故事 - Story of Time 詞/曲: 羅大佑 合唱編曲: 劉釗 春天的花開,秋天的風,以及冬天的落陽, 憂鬱的青春,年少的我曾經無知的這麼想。 風車在四季輪迴的歌裡,它天天地流轉, 風花雪月的詩句裡,我在年年的成長。 流水它帶走光陰的故事,改變了一個人, 就在那多愁善感,而初次等待的青春。 遙遠的路程,昨日的夢,以及遠去的笑聲, 再次的見面,我們又歷經了多少的路程。 不再是舊日熟悉的我,有著舊日狂熱的夢, 也不是舊日熟悉的你,有著依然的笑容。 流水它帶走光陰的故事,改變了我們, 就在那多愁善感,而初次回憶的青春。 The spring flowers, the autumn breezes, and the winter sunset When I was young I thought ignorantly youth is melancholy. Windmill turns day after day to the melody of rotating seasons. I grew up year after year with idyllic poetry. Flowing water carries away story of time. It changes a person. First anticipations were felt in our sentimental youth. The long journey, the old dreams, and the faded laughter When we meet again both of us have gone through so much. I am no longer the one you knew with the feverish dreams. You are no longer the one I knew with the familiar smile. Flowing water carries away story of time. It changed us. First memories were made in our sentimental youth.
