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0:00 00:11 谭松韵跟观众朋友们打招呼,很高兴来到沈阳,被问到来到沈阳的感受,觉得沈阳的朋友很热情 01:05 能跟大家透露一下接下来的行程吗?接下来最快跟大家见面的是《蜀锦人家》 (非常期待) 01:38 用什么方式放松一下?出去旅游 02:51 我昨天下飞机,有女孩告诉我,鸡架特别好吃 04:10 大合照 05:26 送礼物(是一个勋章) 06:49 让松韵分享一下身上的衣服穿搭 身上的羊毛针织衫很适合在秋天穿,无论在聚会还是在朋友之间相聚的时候都很合适,很舒适,还能搭配一件短裙 07:58 这套衣服和你本人最契合的地方?很舒适,没有太多都在束缚 08:27 为了表示对松韵的支持和喜爱,我们有一份礼物送给你,是个插画,我们特意请到了插画师为您专门设计的 09:34 分享一下那一次的萌宠艺术展的感受 很温暖,充满爱的感觉,很符合秋季给我们的感觉 11:19 我自己也养狗,从他两个月的时候,到现在是十四年了,从小陪伴到现在,即便现在岁数大了,成为了老年的狗狗,现在也一直陪伴我,我是他唯一的主人,现在也很忠诚,他把毕生的时间都给了我,所以我们也要做出很好的回忆,他会在门口一直等待我,一听到有什么声音,他就会过来摇尾巴 12:35 玩游戏时间到(造句) “HAZZYS” “沈阳故宫” “咖啡” 穿着HAZZYS去沈阳故宫喝咖啡 “锅包肉” “衬衫” “喝茶” 穿着HAZZYS衬衫吃锅包肉,喝点茶 15:30 拍照 17:30 第二部分开始,介绍服饰 介绍和宣传男士服饰 可以送给弟弟和爸爸 19:35 它很好搭配衣服 之后再介绍不同的服饰 23:49 专门做了一个蛋糕送给松韵(有松果) 25:10 推荐灰色毛衣和衬衫,它们都很好看,搭配起来很温暖很柔软的感觉 26:15 衣服的花边很好看 34:50 直播差不多结束了,要跟大家说再见了,那我们下次再见 0:00 00:11 Tan Songyun greeted the audience and friends. She was very happy to come to Shenyang. When asked about her feelings about coming to Shenyang, she felt that the friends in Shenyang were very enthusiastic. 01:05 Can you tell us about your upcoming itinerary? The next one to meet you soon is "Sichuan Brocade Family" (very much looking forward to it) 01:38 How to relax? go on a trip 02:51 I got off the plane yesterday and a girl told me that the chicken rack was particularly delicious. 04:10 Group photo 05:26 Give a gift (a medal) 06:49 Let Songyun share her outfits The wool sweater I am wearing is very suitable for autumn. It is suitable for parties or gatherings with friends. It is very comfortable and can be paired with a short skirt. 07:58 What is the most fitting thing about this outfit and you? Very comfortable, not too restrictive 08:27 In order to show our support and love for Songyun, we have a gift for you. It is an illustration. We specially invited an illustrator to design it specially for you. 09:34 Share your feelings about that cute pet art exhibition It’s very warm and full of love, which is in line with the feeling that autumn gives us. 11:19 I also have a dog myself. It has been fourteen years since he was two months old. He has been with me since he was a child. Even now that he is older and has become an elderly dog, he has always been with me. and he is very loyal now. He gave me his whole life, so we also have to make good memories. He will always wait for me at the door. Whenever he hears any sound, he will Come and wag your tail 12:35 It’s time to play games (make a sentence) “HAZZYS” “Shenyang Forbidden City” “Coffee” Wearing HAZZYS to drink coffee at the Forbidden City in Shenyang “Pork in pot” “Shirt” “Drinking tea” Wearing a HAZZYS shirt, eating meat and drinking some tea 15:30 Taking photos 17:30 The second part begins, introducing clothing Introduce and promote men's clothing Can be given to my cousin-brother and dad 19:35 It goes well with clothes We will introduce different costumes later 23:49 I made a special cake for Songyun (with pine cones) 25:10 I recommend gray sweaters and shirts. They both look good and make them feel warm and soft when paired together. 26:15 The lace on the clothes is very beautiful 34:50 The live broadcast is almost over. I have to say goodbye to everyone. See you next time.
