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Скачать с ютуб PLASTIČNA HRANILICA PLASTIC FEEDER в хорошем качестве


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Dragi pčelari, hranilici ima mnogo vrsta, ali medju njima ja želim da vam predstavljam i ovu plastičnu. Dosta je praktična, jer kada vi prihranjujete pčele nema dodir sa pčelom, već samo dignete poklopac košnice i poklopna daska koja ide preko zbega i kroz mrežasti deo zbega sipate sirup. Medjutim ja to ne predlažem izričito, v i ćete pronaći najbolju hranilicu koja vama odgovara. U prošlom prilogu sam nagovestio da ću ove moje priloge postaviti malo redje zbog odsutnosti, tako da sledeći prilog je već 19.4. a naredni će biti 26.4, 3.10,17,24,31.5.2024, i tako redom. PLASTIC FEEDER Dear beekeepers, there are many types of feeders, but among them I want to present this plastic one. It is quite practical, because when you feed the bees there is no contact with the bee, you just lift the lid of the hive and the cover board that goes over the hive and pour the syrup through the mesh part of the hive. However, I do not specifically suggest this, and you will find the best feeder that suits you. In the last contribution, I indicated that I will post my contributions a little less frequently due to my absence, so the next contribution is already on 19.4. and the next ones will be 26.4, 3.10, 17, 24, 31.5.2024, and so on.
