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Скачать с ютуб Yowane Haku & Akita Neru - Turkish March Tsumanne\(^o^)/ (Romaji & English Subs) в хорошем качестве

Yowane Haku & Akita Neru - Turkish March Tsumanne\(^o^)/ (Romaji & English Subs) 15 лет назад

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Yowane Haku & Akita Neru - Turkish March Tsumanne\(^o^)/ (Romaji & English Subs)

The file reprints from "Nico Nico Douga". Author(オワタP)'s HP: Karaoke version is in author's HP. Select "Music" menu. Illustrator(零花)'s HP: MP3 Album: Translator's notes: "Mandokuse" It means "it's a bother". It's short for "Mendohkusai". It's a net slang of 2channel. "Tsumanne" or "Tsuhmanne" It means "it's uninteresting." It's dialect of "Tsumaranai". "Owata\(^o^)/" It means "it was over." It's risible despairs. It's short for "Owatta". It's a net slang of 2channel. トルコ行進曲 ツマンネ\(^o^)/ Turkish March Tsumanne\(^o^)/ 歌:弱音ハク&亞北ネル 朝起きた寝坊した I get up in the morning. I oversleep. 急いで出かける気がしない I do not think going out in a hurry... 布団から出たくない I do not want to get out of the bed. とにかくゴロゴロしていたい Anyway, I want to loaf around in my bed... なにもする気が起きないよー I do not want to do anything. 今はのんびり寝てたいよー I want to sleep peacefully now. 友達から電話がきたー My friend comes calling. 今日は約束してたっけー Did I promise her for today ? 「はい‥もしもし?」 "Yars..Hello ?" 「もしもし!おまえ今どこいんだよ?!もう着いてんだけど!」 "Hello ! Where're u now ?! I've already arrived !" 「え‥あ、うん。ごめん。ちょっと遅れるかも。」 "Eh..oh, yars. I am sorry. I may be late for a moment." 「はぁ?なんでさ?まさか寝坊でもしたんじゃないんだろうな?!」 "Huh ? Why ? Don't tell me you overslept, did you ?!" 「あぁ‥はい、そうです。」 "Ah..Yars, I did." 「ふざけんな!今すぐ来い!今日はお前のおごりだかんね!」 "Gimme a break ! C'mon, right now ! U must treat me to all today !" 急いで支度する I get dressed quickly. 顔も洗わなくちゃ I have to wash my face. 断水されていた The water supply is cut off. 月一度の点検 It is checking once a month. 駅着いた 電車来た I arrive at the station. The train come. 改札くぐろと思ったら When I pass through ticket gates, チャージ金額が足りません "Please recharge your rail pass card." 友達から電話がきた My friend comes calling. 早く来いと怒られた>< She scold me >< and say "Hurry!" 携帯の電源を切る I turn off my phone. 次の電車まで10分 I have to wait 10 minutes until the next train come. 一方その頃ネルさんは Meanwhile, Neru san is とにかくあいつが遅れてくるからあたしは時間をつぶして待とう Anyway, I'll fill the time and wait because she's late. 立ち読みしようと思って近くの本屋に向かうと定休日 I was gonna browse and went to the nearby bookstore. But the store was a regular holiday. 駅前コンビニ入って雑誌を読もうと手に取って開けようとした I went to the convenience store around the station and tried to read a magazine. けれども袋詰めされて中身が読めない But the magazine was packaged, so I couldn't read the contents. 時間がつぶせない I have nothing to fill the time. ムキー! Mukiiii ! 一方ハクは Meanwhile, Haku is 優先席で眠り込む I fell asleep in the priority seat. ふと起きたら降りる駅 I just woke up and notice this is my stop. 扉が目の前で閉まった The door close in face of me. 元の席は座られた Other man sits on the seat where I sat. 待ち合わせ場所着いた I arrive at the place of meeting. 携帯電源入れてみた I turn on my phone. 友達からメールが3件 I got 3 mails from my friend. スパムメールは30件 And I got 30 spam mails. 駅前の喫茶店友達怒って待っていた My friend waits in the coffee shop around the station getting angry. ケーキおごって300円 I pay a bill of her cake, 300 Yen. 遅刻の代償プライスレス The compensation for the late is priceless. 「ごめーん、待ったー?」 "I am sorrry. Did you wait ?" 「んーん、今きたトコって アホーッ!!」 "Noo, I just got here... Get a brain !!" なんでだろ? What happened ? なんでだろ? What happened ? 日付を確認してみたら When we had checked the date, 待ち合わせの日を間違えた we noticed the date of meeting is other day... なんのためにここまできた What have we come here for ? 行き場のないこの怒り It's the unfocused anger. なんのためにここまできた What have we come here for ? 途方に暮れる友人 My friend is at a loss what to do. ひとつだけ学んだ‥ I learned only one .. チャージはちゃんとしよ It is to have to recharge the rail card rightly..
