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Скачать с ютуб 【RBS-70防空導彈系統】世界第一種率先使用激光制導方式導彈,可打击5千米外目标,6秒內達到超音速,專為攔截遠程來襲目標研發,一經問世火爆全球 в хорошем качестве

【RBS-70防空導彈系統】世界第一種率先使用激光制導方式導彈,可打击5千米外目标,6秒內達到超音速,專為攔截遠程來襲目標研發,一經問世火爆全球 3 года назад

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瑞典RBS-70便攜式防空導彈系統:RBS-70系統的主要特點是遠程攔截來襲目標,具有較高的命中精度和殺傷概率,穩定性強,可高效對抗各種人工和自然干擾。採用激光指駕束導方式,能攻擊低飛到地面的目標,可在夜間使用,具備較強的發展、改進潛力。從最初開始,RBS-70就是作為一種整體系統研製的,便於日後裝配在各種輪式和履帶式底盤上,發展自行防空系統。當今世界最著名的便攜式防空導彈系統,除了美國的“毒刺”、俄羅斯的“箭”、“針”之外,還有率先採用激光制導方式的瑞典RBS-70系統。目前,共有13個國家裝備這種導彈系統。 RBS-70防空系統多次經過現代化改進,能及時適應現代戰爭對近程防空兵器不斷增長的要求,其最新改型能高效對抗現役和前景空襲兵器。 RBS-70與大多數輕型防空系統最大的區別在於它率先使用激光駕束制導方式。 RBS-70具有的激光通道採用激光駕束制導方式,大大減輕了彈載電子設備重量,大幅提高射程,一些武器專家因此視其為近程,而不是超近程防空系統。激光制導方式和模塊式戰鬥部的使用,還可保障RBS-70系統不僅用於防空防禦,還可主動攻擊地面和水面目標。 Sweden's RBS-70 portable air defense missile system: The main feature of the RBS-70 system is to intercept incoming targets long-range, with high hitting accuracy and killing probability, strong stability, and effective against various artificial and natural interference. The laser guided beam guide method can attack low-flying targets and can be used at night. It has strong potential for development and improvement. From the very beginning, RBS-70 was developed as a whole system, which can be easily assembled on various wheeled and tracked chassis in the future to develop a self-propelled air defense system. The most famous portable air defense missile system in the world today, in addition to the American "Stinger", Russian "Arrow", and "Needle", there is also the Swedish RBS-70 system, which is the first to use laser guidance. At present, a total of 13 countries are equipped with such missile systems. The RBS-70 air defense system has undergone many modernizations and improvements, and can adapt to the ever-increasing requirements of modern warfare for short-range air defense weapons. Its latest modification can effectively counter current and prospective air strike weapons. The biggest difference between RBS-70 and most light air defense systems is that it is the first to use laser beam steering guidance. The laser channel of RBS-70 adopts the laser beam steering method, which greatly reduces the weight of the electronic equipment on the missile and greatly increases the range. Some weapon experts regard it as a short-range rather than an ultra-short-range air defense system. The use of laser guidance and modular warheads can also ensure that the RBS-70 system is not only used for air defense, but also can actively attack ground and surface targets.
