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Скачать с ютуб 納純湖:守候了十三年的奇蹟 Lake Natron: Expecting Miracles For 13 Years|非洲之行 Trip to Africa【攝影家羅紅】 в хорошем качестве

納純湖:守候了十三年的奇蹟 Lake Natron: Expecting Miracles For 13 Years|非洲之行 Trip to Africa【攝影家羅紅】 8 месяцев назад

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納純湖:守候了十三年的奇蹟 Lake Natron: Expecting Miracles For 13 Years|非洲之行 Trip to Africa【攝影家羅紅】

2023年12月,我再次來到納純湖邊守候奇蹟。這一次,它們出現了! In Dec. 2023, Once again I returned to Lake Natron to wait for a miracle. This time, miracles did happen! 這是我見過的最美的自然奇觀,是大自然用她的畫筆創作的恢宏畫卷。遠古的色彩、神秘的構圖、夢幻的光影、史詩般的規模,構成了她的巔峰之美! This is the most beautiful natural wonder I've ever seen. A magnificent painting Nature created with her brushes. The ancient colors, the mysterious composition, the dreamlike light and shadow, and the epic scale, all contributed to her stunning beauty! 我第一次知道納純湖會有奇蹟出現,還是在十三年前。這些年來,我每年都要反复地回到這裡苦苦守候。 The first time I learnt that miracles could happen at Lake Natron was 13 years ago. For all these years, I've been repeatedly returning to this lake every year waiting patiently. 每一次的守候都是漫長枯燥的,還要忍受悶熱潮濕的天氣,白天的溫度,經常會高達四十多度。有時候,湖面也會出現一些小小的驚喜,讓我的守候有一些回報,但我堅信,一定還有真正的大美、真正的奇蹟出現。這樣的期待和信念讓我堅守了下來,直到這一次,才如願以償。 Every wait was long and tedious. The weather there was unbearably sultry and humid. During the day temperatures often reached over 40°C. Sometimes there were little surprises on the lake, something to reward me for my tenacity. But I was convinced, that there was real beauty out there. A real miracle. This conviction and hope kept me going. Until this time, I finally got what I wanted. 它們流淌在湖面,也流淌在時間中,不斷地生成、變化、消失。每一個此刻,都震撼心靈,每一個下一刻,都難以預料,它們留給我的取景、構圖和調整參數的時間,是按秒數計算的。 They were flowing in the lake and in time, constantly taking shape, changing forms, then fading away. Each moment was a shock to the soul. Each next moment was unpredictable. The time they left me for framing, composing, and adjusting the shooting parameters were merely a few seconds. 世上最震撼人心的美,是不可能偶遇的,只能憑執著的信念去探索和守候。 The most stunning beauty in the world is impossible to encounter. You can only explore and wait for it with perseverance. 十三年的守候,也讓我在創作上又一次實現了自我超越,完成了攝影生涯中最令自己感動的作品。看著它們,回想著這些年曆經的艱辛,我感到幸福得想哭。 The 13 years of waiting also helped me achieve another self-transcendence in creation. I've created the most touching works in my photography career. Looking at them, and thinking back on the hardships I've experienced over the years. I feel so happy that I want to cry. - #4k #natron #natronlake #aerialphotography #nature #lake #africa #kenya #aerialvideo #landscape #photography #documentary #traveldocumentary #travel #luohongphotography #非洲 #肯尼亞 #納純湖 #風光攝影 #航拍 #自然 #羅紅攝影藝術館
