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Скачать с ютуб 【熱門料理】四種必學家常豆腐料理,創意無極限!!想不到豆腐可以這樣用!冰箱有豆腐,做菜不煩惱! в хорошем качестве

【熱門料理】四種必學家常豆腐料理,創意無極限!!想不到豆腐可以這樣用!冰箱有豆腐,做菜不煩惱! 2 года назад

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買IRIS OHYAMA日本鑽石塗層IH不沾鍋具 按這裡→ 詳細食譜內容→ #楊桃美食網 厚蛋豆腐 美味秘訣:用半塊豆腐,免加水就讓煎蛋超軟Q Secret: Use Half a Block of Tofu to Make Soft Fried Eggs Without Adding Water. 〔材料〕 豆腐 150公克/tofu 150g 蛋 3顆/egg 3pcs 鹽 1/2茶匙/salt 1/2tsp. 蔥花 20公克/chopped scallion 20g 油 2茶匙/oil 2tsp. 〔作法〕 1. 豆腐切丁備用。 2. 蛋打入碗中、撒入鹽後攪打均勻,再加入蔥花及作法1的豆腐,輕輕拌勻即可。 3. 鍋內先倒油,再倒入作法2的豆腐蔥花蛋液,用小火煎4分鐘至蛋表面凝固後翻面,同樣用小火煎4分鐘即可。 1.Cut the tofu into small cubes and set aside. 2.Beat the eggs in a bowl, add salt, and stir until well mixed. Then add the chopped scallions and the tofu prepared in step 1, and gently mix. 3.Heat up some oil in a pan, and pour in the egg-tofu-scallion mixture from step 2. Cook over low heat for about 4 minutes until the surface of the egg is set, then flip it over and continue to cook for another 4 minutes until both sides are golden brown. 家常豆腐 材料 板豆腐 4塊 firm tofu 4pcs 肉片 120公克 pork slices 120g 鮮香菇片 30公克 shiitake mushroom 30g 紅蘿蔔片 20公克 carrot 20g 泡發木耳 30公克 black fungus 30g 蔥段 20公克 scallion 20g 蒜片 20公克 garlic 20g 薑片 5公克 ginger 5g 辣椒片 15公克 chili 15g 太白粉水 1大匙 thicken sauces 1tbsp. 醃料 醬油 1茶匙 soy sauce 1tsp. 米酒 1茶匙 cooking rice wine 1tsp. 太白粉1茶匙 tapioca starch 1tsp. 沙拉油 1茶匙 oil 1tsp. 調味料 醬油 2大匙 soy sauce 2tbsp. 米酒 1大匙 cooking rice wine 1tbsp. 水 200ml water 200ml 糖 1茶匙 sugar 1tsp. 作法 1. 取出豆腐切去硬邊切厚片,表面撒上少許鹽,靜置5分鐘,讓表面出水,再用紙巾吸乾表面水份。 2. 肉片加入醃料的醬油、米酒、太白粉抓勻,加入沙拉油再拌一下。 3. 熱鍋,道入1大匙油,放入豆腐,轉中火煎,待豆腐底部煎至焦香上色,再翻面,煎兩面都焦香上色,先取出豆腐備用。 4. 原鍋加入醃過的肉片,轉大火炒至變白,放入蔥段、薑片、蒜末、辣椒末炒香。 5. 放入香菇、紅蘿蔔片炒勻,再放入豆腐,淋上醬油、米酒與水煮滾。 6. 再加入糖,燒約5分鐘入味,最後再以太白粉水勾芡即可。 1.Remove the edges of the tofu and cut it into thick slices. Sprinkle some salt on the surface and let it sit for 5 minutes to allow the surface to release water. Then use a paper towel to dry the surface. 2. Marinate the meat with soy sauce, rice wine, and cornstarch. Add salad oil and mix well. 3. Heat the pan and add 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the tofu and fry over medium heat until the bottom is crispy and brown. Flip the tofu and fry until both sides are crispy and brown. Remove the tofu from the pan and set it aside. 4. Add the marinated meat to the same pan and stir-fry over high heat until it turns white. Add scallions, ginger slices, garlic, and chili pepper and stir-fry until fragrant. 5. Add mushrooms and carrot slices and stir-fry until evenly mixed. Then add the tofu and pour soy sauce, rice wine, and water into the pan. Bring it to a boil. 6. Add sugar and simmer for about 5 minutes to allow the flavors to blend. Finally, use cornstarch water to thicken the sauce. 糖醋豆腐 材料: A 百頁豆腐 2條/hundred layered bean curd 2 B 紅甜椒丁 30公克/red pepper 30g 洋蔥丁 30公克/onion 30g 青椒丁 30公克/green pepper 30g 調味料: A 水 50ml/water 50ml 番茄醬 100公克/ketchup 100g 白醋 80ml/white vinegar 80ml 細砂糖 80公克/sugar 80g B 太白粉水 1大匙/thickener 1tbsp. 作法 1.百頁豆腐一塊切成三塊,擺上一根筷子,再切十字花刀,底部不切斷。 2.煮一鍋水至滾,將百頁豆腐開口朝下放入,煮至豆腐略膨脹開花。 3.撈起後泡冷水冷卻,再取出稍微擠乾水分。 4.將豆腐得沾上樹薯粉。(*重點!切口處沾粉,(油炸時)花型才會更開) 5.熱油鍋熱至180℃,放入百頁豆腐,炸至表面金黃且熟,取出瀝乾油。 6.熱鍋,倒入1大匙油,放入所有材料B炒香,再放入調味料A,再用太白粉水勾芡,拌勻成醬料。 7.將煮好的醬料淋至炸好的豆腐上即可。 1.Cut a piece of bean curd skin into three pieces and place a chopstick in the middle. Make cross-hatch cuts on the top, but don't cut all the way through at the bottom. 2. Bring a pot of water to a boil, then place the bean curd skin in the pot with the opening facing down. Cook until it slightly swells and blooms. 3. Remove the bean curd skin from the pot and cool it in cold water. Squeeze out excess water. 4. Coat the bean curd skin with potato starch (*Important! Coat the cut area with starch to get a better flower shape when deep-frying). 5. Heat oil in a wok to 180°C, then deep-fry the bean curd skin until golden and cooked. Remove and drain excess oil. 6. Heat a wok, add 1 tablespoon of oil, stir-fry all the ingredients in group B until fragrant. Add seasoning sauce A, then thicken the sauce with tapioca starch water and mix well. 7.Pour the sauce over the fried bean curd skin and serve. 雞蛋燒豆腐 〔材料〕 [A] 醬油 3大匙/soy sauce 3tbsp. 米酒 1大匙/cooking rice wine 1tbsp. 水 2大匙/water 2tbsp. 糖 1/2茶匙/sugar 1/2tsp. 白胡椒 少許/white pepper powder q.s. [B] 板豆腐 2盒/firm tofu 2pcs. 蛋 2顆/egg 2pcs. 蒜末 15公克/minced garlic 15g 蔥花 50公克/chopped scallion 50g 〔作法〕 1. 材料A混合拌勻成醬汁備用。 2. 豆腐用紙巾吸去多餘水分後切丁。鍋內倒入適量油,鋪上豆腐丁,輕輕翻動,煎到稍微上色。 3. 均勻淋上蛋液,稍微翻炒後撥到鍋子的外圍,中間放入蒜末、蔥花一起翻炒。 4. 淋上作法1的醬汁,拌炒入味即可。 1. Mix the ingredients for sauce A together and set aside. 2.Pat dry the tofu with paper towels and cut it into small cubes. Heat some oil in a pan and add the tofu cubes. Gently stir-fry until slightly browned. 3. Pour the beaten eggs over the tofu and stir-fry for a bit. Move the tofu to the edges of the pan and add minced garlic and chopped scallions to the center. Stir-fry together. 4. Pour the sauce A over the tofu and stir-fry until well combined and coated. Enjoy! - 楊桃美食網 Youtube    / ytower01   Facebook   / ytower01  
