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小械泄褔邪褋 胁 褌褉械薪写械

袠薪芯褋褌褉邪薪薪褘械 胁懈写械芯

小泻邪褔邪褌褜 褋 褞褌褍斜 Rakhma Cohen: Kurds, Assyrins Aramit Sehranei (LISHANA 诇讬砖谞讗) 专讞诪讛 讻讛谉: 讻讜专讚讬诐, 讗砖讜专讬诐 讗专诪讬转 讜住讛专谞讛 胁 褏芯褉芯褕械屑 泻邪褔械褋褌胁械

Rakhma Cohen: Kurds, Assyrins Aramit Sehranei (LISHANA 诇讬砖谞讗) 专讞诪讛 讻讛谉: 讻讜专讚讬诐, 讗砖讜专讬诐 讗专诪讬转 讜住讛专谞讛 1 谐芯写 薪邪蟹邪写

袝褋谢懈 泻薪芯锌泻懈 褋泻邪褔懈胁邪薪懈褟 薪械 蟹邪谐褉褍蟹懈谢懈褋褜 袧袗袞袦袠孝袝 袟袛袝小鞋 懈谢懈 芯斜薪芯胁懈褌械 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑褍
袝褋谢懈 胁芯蟹薪懈泻邪褞褌 锌褉芯斜谢械屑褘 褋芯 褋泻邪褔懈胁邪薪懈械屑, 锌芯卸邪谢褍泄褋褌邪 薪邪锌懈褕懈褌械 胁 锌芯写写械褉卸泻褍 锌芯 邪写褉械褋褍 胁薪懈蟹褍 褋褌褉邪薪懈褑褘.
小锌邪褋懈斜芯 蟹邪 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹芯胁邪薪懈械 褋械褉胁懈褋邪 savevideohd.ru

Rakhma Cohen: Kurds, Assyrins Aramit Sehranei (LISHANA 诇讬砖谞讗) 专讞诪讛 讻讛谉: 讻讜专讚讬诐, 讗砖讜专讬诐 讗专诪讬转 讜住讛专谞讛

专讞诪讛 讻讛谉 Rakhma Cohen 讬诇讬讚转 讝讗讻讜, 砖讘讗专抓 讗砖讜专 讜讻注转 讙讘注转 讝讗讘 Born in Zakho, land of Ashur, and now Givaat Ze'ev, Israel 诪砖讜讞讞转 注诐 讬注拽讘 诪注讜讝 注诇 讛讞讬讬诐 砖诇驻谞讬 讙讬专讜砖-注讬专讗拽 Talking to Yaacov Maoz about life before the Iraqi deportation of the Jews 1 讘讚爪诪讘专 2022 December 1, 2022 讘讗讬讝讜 诇砖讜谉 讚讬讘专转诐 讘讘讬转 讛讛讜专讬诐, 讗诪讗 讜讗讘讗 砖诇讱 What language did you speak at your parents' house 讘诇砖讜谉 讛讝讗转 (讗讬讱 讛讬讗 谞拽专讗转) 讻讜专讚讬转 In this language (how is it called) Kurdish (讛讻讜专讚讬诐 讛诪讜住诇诪讬诐) 讛砖驻讛 砖诇讛诐 讗讞专转 (The Muslim Kurds) Their language is different (讛讗诐 讗转 诪讚讘专转 讘拽讜专诪谞讙'讬转) 讻谉 讗谞讬 诪讚讘专转 (Do you speak Kurmanji) Yes, I do 砖诇 诪讬 讛讬讬转讛 讛诇砖讜谉 讛拽讜专诪谞讙'讬转? Whose Kurmanji language was it? 诇砖讜谉 讛诪讜住诇诪讬诐 The language of the Muslims 讗讬讱 讻讬谞讜 讗转 诇砖讜谉 讛讬讛讜讚讬诐? What was the Jewish language called? 诇诇砖讜谉 砖诇谞讜 拽专讗谞讜 讛诇砖讜谉 砖诇谞讜 We called our language our language 诪讛 讝讛 讻讜专讚讬诐, 诇讗 What are Kurds, no 诪讚讜注 诇讗 讻讬谞讜 讗转讻诐 讻讜专讚讬诐 讘讝讗讻讜? Why didn't they call you Kurds in Zakho? 讻讬谞讜 讗讜转谞讜 讙'讜讗讬, 砖讝讛 讬讛讜讚讬诐 They called us Joey, which is Jewish 讗讝 讗讬讱 讬讬转讻谉 砖讻讗谉 讘讬砖专讗诇 讛驻讻谞讜 诇讻讜专讚讬诐? So how is it possible that here in Israel we became Kurds? 砖诐 讛讬讬谞讜 讬讛讜讚讬诐 讜讻讗谉 谞注砖讬谞讜 讻讜专讚讬诐 There we were Jews and here we became Kurds 讻讜专讚讬诐? 讙诐 讻讗谉 讗谞讞谞讜 讬讛讜讚讬诐 Kurds? Here too we are Jews 讗诐 讻谉, 讗转诐 诇讗 讻讜专讚讬诐 If so, you are not Kurds 讗谞讞谞讜 诇讗 讻讜专讚讬诐, 讗谞讞谞讜 讗讬专讜驻讗讬诐 We are not Kurds, we are Europeans 讗谞讞谞讜 讬讛讜讚讬诐 We are Jews 讗驻讬诇讜 讬讛讜讚讬 诪砖讜讙注 讗讞讚 诇讗 谞砖讗专 讘讝讗讻讜 Not even one crazy Jew was left behind (in Zakho) 讛讬讬转 专讜爪讛 诇讞讝讜专 诇讝讗讻讜? Would you like to go back to Zakho? 诇讗! 讗谞讬 专讜讗讛 讗转 讝讗讻讜 讘讚诪讬讜谞讬 No! I see Zakho in my imagination 讗诪讗 砖诇讬, 谞讙'讬讛, 讛讬讬转讛 谞讜讛讙转 诇讜诪专: 砖转讬砖专祝 讝讗讻讜 My mother, Najia, used to say: May Zakho be burned 讛讬讜 讘讬谉 讛讻讜专讚讬诐 砖讻谞讬诐 讟讜讘讬诐 There were good neighbors among the Kurds 讗诇讜 砖诇讗 讛讬讜 讟讜讘讬诐, 专爪讞讜 讛专讘讛 讬讛讜讚讬诐 Those who were not good, killed many Jews 注讚 讛讬讜诐 谞注诇诪讜 注拽讘讜转讬讛诐 砖诇 讗讘 讜讘谞讜 To this day, the traces of father and son have disappeared 讛讬讜 专讜爪讞讬诐 讗转 讛讬讛讜讚讬 讻讚讬 诇砖讚讜讚 讗转 讛驻专讬讚讛 砖诇讜 They would murder the Jew to rob his mule 讛讗诐 讛讻讜专讚讬诐 讛诐 讗诇讛 砖讛专讙讜 讘讬讛讜讚讬诐 Are the Kurds the ones who killed the Jews? 讛诐 讛讬讜 砖讜讚讚讬诐 讗转 讛讻住祝 讜谞注诇诪讬诐 讛讬讛讜讚讬诐 砖住讞专讜 注诐 讛诪讜住诇诪讬诐 讛讬讜 谞专爪讞讬诐 The Jews who traded with the Muslims were murdered 诪讚讜注 谞讛讙讜 诇专爪讜讞 讗转 讛讬讛讜讚讬诐 诇注讬转讬诐 转讻讜驻讜转? Why did they often murder the Jews? 讛讻讜专讚讬诐 讞诪讚讜 讗转 讛专讻讜砖 砖诇讛诐, 讛住讜住讬诐 讛讬讜 讬拽专讬诐 The Kurds coveted their property, the horses were expensive 讛驻专讬讚讛, 诇诪砖诇, 讛讬讬转讛 诪讗讜讚 讬拽专讛 The mule, for example, was very expensive 讗诇讗 注诇 诪讛 专爪讞讜, 注诇 讚讘专讬诐 讻讗诇讛 But what were they murdered for, for things like that 讗谞讬 诪转讗讘诇转 注诇 讘讞讜专 讗讞讚 砖谞专爪讞 I mourn for one guy who was murdered 注诇 砖诪注讜谉 诪注诪讚讬讛 (丕賱毓賲丕丿賷丞) About Shimon from Amadia [诪拽专讛 讗讞专] 讛诐 讬爪讗讜 诇讚专讱 讜讘诪拽讜诐 诪住讜讬讬诐 专爪讞讜 讗讜转诐 [Another case] They set out and in a certain place they were murdered 专爪讞讜 砖诇讜砖讛 They killed three [诪拽专讛 讗讞专] 讛讬讬转讛 讘讞讜专讛 砖讞讟驻讜 讗讜转讛 [Another case] There was a girl who was kidnapped 讛讬讗 诇讗 专爪转讛 讜讘讬拽砖讛 砖讬讞诇爪讜 讗讜转讛 She didn't want and asked to be rescued 注讘讚 讗诇-讻专讬诐 (毓亘丿 丕賱賰乇賷賲), 讗谞讬 讗爪讬讙 讗转 转诪讜谞转讜 Abdulkarim, I will present his picture [讻讜专讚讬诐 讗讬讬诪讜 注诇 讞讬讬讜 砖诇 讞诪讬讛] [Kurds threatened her father-in-law's life] 讗讝 砖诇诪讛 讘讻讛 讜讗诪专 注讻砖讬讜 讬讛专讙讜 讗转 讗讘讬 So, Shlomo cried and said now they will kill my father 讛讜讗 专抓 诇讘讬转讜 砖诇 注讘讚 讗诇 讻专讬诐 He ran to Abdulkarim's house 讗砖转讜 砖诇 注讘讚 讗诇 讻专讬诐 讛讗讬爪讛 讘讜 诇讛爪讬诇 讗转 讛讬讛讜讚讬 Abdulkarim's wife urged him to save the Jew 讗讝 讛讜讗 讛诇讱 讗诇 讘讬转-讛转讛 讜驻讙砖 讗转 讛讻讜专讚讬诐 砖诐 So, he went to the teahouse and met the Kurds there 讛讜讗 讛讜专讛 诇讛诐 诇砖讘转 讘砖拽讟 讜讻讬谞讛 讗讜转诐 讻诇讘讬诐 He ordered them to sit still and called them dogs 注讘讚 讗诇-讻专讬诐 讗诪专 诇讛诐 [诇讻讜专讚讬诐 讛讗讞专讬诐], 砖讘讜 讘砖拽讟 Abdulkarim said to them [the other Kurds], sit quietly 讗诪专 诇讛诐, 讗讜诪专 诇讻诐 专拽 诪砖驻讟 讗讞讚 He told them, I tell you only one sentence 讗诐 讛诪讜住诇诪讬 诇讗 讛专注 诇讬讛讜讚讬, 讛讬讛讜讚讬 诇注讜诇诐 诇讗 讬注讝 诇讛转专讬住 谞讙讚 讛诪讜住诇诪讬 If the Muslim is not evil to the Jew, the Jew will never dare to defy the Muslim 讗转诐 转讛讬讜 讗砖诪讬诐 注讜讚 诪讗讛 砖谞讛 讗诐 讗驻讬诇讜 转讬驻讙注 转专谞讙讜诇转 砖诇 讛讬讛讜讚讬 You will be guilty for another hundred years if even one of the Jew's chickens is harmed 讛讜讗 讛爪讬诇 讗讜转讜 诪讬讚诐 讗讝 讛讜讗 诪转 讜讗砖转讜 讛讝诪讬谞讛 讻诪讛 讬讛讜讚讬诐 诇讛诇讜讜讬讛 So, he died and his wife invited some Jews to the funeral 讛讬讗 讗诪专讛 诇讬讛讜讚讬诐 讗转诐 转诇讻讜 讗转谞讜 讻诪讜 讬转专 讛讗谞砖讬诐, 讗诇 转驻讞讚讜 She told them you will go with us like the rest of the people, don't be afraid 讗住讜专 讛讬讛 诇讬讛讜讚讬诐 诇砖讘转 讘讘讬转 讛讗讘诇讬诐 讜诇讚讘专 注诐 讬转专 讛讗谞砖讬诐 Jews were not allowed to sit in the house of mourning Kurds and talk to other people 讗讝 诪讬 讙讝诇 讗转 讻诇 讛专讻讜砖 砖诇讻诐? So, who stole all your property 讗诇讜 讛诪讜住诇诪讬诐 These are the Muslims 讛讗诐 诪讚讜讘专 讘讻讜专讚讬诐 诪讜住诇诪讬诐? Are they Muslim Kurds 讻谉, 讛诐 讗诇讜 砖讛讬讜 砖诐, 讛讻讜专讚讬诐 讛诪讜住诇诪讬诐 Yes, they are the ones who were there, the Muslim Kurds 讻诇 讛讝讛讘 谞砖讗专 诇讻讜专讚讬诐 All the gold remains for the Kurds 讛讻讜诇 谞砖讗专 讘砖讘讬诇诐 Everything is left for them 诇讗 讗驻砖专讜 诇谞讜 诇诪讻讜专, 住讙专讜 讗转 讛讞谞讜讬讜转 They didn't allow us to sell, they closed the shops 诇讗 讛转讬专讜 诇谞讜 诇诪讻讜专 We were not allowed to sell
