This video confirms the three new cars coming with Gran Turismo 7's update 1.52: a Nissan GTR R35, a Mitsubishi Evo 8, and a Toyota Hiace van DX. The video also discusses the possibility of a smaller update due to the upcoming PS5 Pro release, which may see a larger update in November.
19534 1 месяц назад 3:57This update to Gran Turismo 7 includes a variety of new content, including three new cars, new events, and new Scapes locations. The update also includes adjustments to the physics simulation model and the force feedback.
22190 1 месяц назад 7:41This video explores the new engine swap options added to Gran Turismo 7 with update 1.52. The video highlights the unique and exciting engine swaps available, including some that are truly "mental." The creator plans to review all of the new engine swaps in upcoming videos.
11913 1 месяц назад 3:45