This video features an unboxing of new cigar releases from the first half of 2024. The host showcases a variety of brands and sizes, including some limited edition and exclusive releases. They express excitement about trying each cigar and encourage viewers to subscribe for upcoming reviews.
1319 4 месяца назад 3:36The video features a cigar enthusiast unboxing a collection of Cuban cigars, including a coveted Novelis jar. They discuss the different brands and sizes, highlighting their excitement for the Trinidads and Cohibas. The video concludes with a close-up look at the jar and its contents, showcasing the unique packaging and the cigars themselves.
43616 4 года назад 16:46The video features a cigar enthusiast unboxing a large order from CigarBid, an online auction site for cigars. The unboxing reveals a variety of cigars, including some popular brands and a few more unique options. The enthusiast discusses the pricing and quality of the cigars, and expresses their excitement about trying them.
22236 6 лет назад 3:57