The creator is excited to announce their new short film project, inspired by their experiences over the past three years. They are seeking funding through Indiegogo to bring their vision to life and offer exclusive rewards to supporters, including a digital copy of the film, personalized videos, and a film premiere in London.
77176 1 месяц назад 8:05The video features Flula announcing a new project: a movie titled "Fundance." Flula will write, direct, shoot, edit, and score the film, and will document the process in a separate documentary. Flula is seeking help from viewers to make the film a reality, including contributions to the soundtrack and cameos.
128878 9 лет назад 3:06This video features a person who has experienced bullying and is now working to create a film about their journey. They are asking for support to fund the film and are promising updates, downloads, and other perks to those who contribute. The video features several celebrities who have pledged their support.
188734 10 лет назад 3:15