This video follows a Digimon card collector opening a Secret Crisis booster box. They discuss the box toppers and hope to find some good hits, including Ancient Greymon. The collector opens the box and reveals their pulls, discussing the rarity and value of each card.
1692 3 месяца назад 11:06This video analyzes the pull rates of the Digimon TCG BT17 set, "Secret Crisis," based on data from 113 boxes. The video explores the frequency of pulling specific cards, including the highly sought-after Ancient Gururumon, and discusses the potential impact on card prices.
2458 2 месяца назад 7:02The video follows a Digimon card game player opening two boxes of the "Secret Crisis" set. They discuss the set's contents and their potential value, while opening packs and revealing cards. The player expresses excitement about finding certain cards and disappointment about others, ultimately revealing their overall thoughts on the set.
1287 3 месяца назад 32:07